Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jesus is All You Need

Refining Your Character - Defining Your Destiny. Isaiah 9:1-7

In this passage, there is a promise of Peace, Hope & Joy.  In verse 3 (Isaiah 9:3), God prophetically declares that He has increased your joy!

  1. What is JOY?
    • Joy is "complete satisfaction in God"

  2. How Do I Get More Joy?
    • “In Your presence there is fullness of Joy!” - Psalm 16:11 - FULLNESS: to be saturated
  3. Why do I need more Joy?
  • His Presence brings Joy & Joy releases Strength!
  • Trouble chases away happiness BUT… Joy attracts Strength
Rejoicing is the outward expression of joy.  Today, let your joy be evident to all!
  • Don't let anything or anyone 'destroy your joy!'
CHALLENGE: Rejoice so that everyone around you will see the Joy of the Lord in the midst of your life's situations and circumstances.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Jesus is All You Need

The theme scripture for this series is ISAIAH 9:1-7The word for HWC in 2009 and beyond is Victory.  You need to understand that VICTORY only comes to those with a STRONG CHARACTER, those who are COMMITTED to CHRIST.

In Isaiah 9:1, the word 'gloom' means: "despondency and a sense of hopelessness"To live in Despair, is actually to live with Your Back Turned towards God; To live in Hope, is to live with Your Face Turned towards GodWe can't just cope but we need to Hope because when you hope, you have a future certainty grounded in a present reality!

WHY HOPEBecause God is faithful! (Hebrews 10:23HOW DO WE HOPERomans 15:13 says “Now may the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING, so that you will abound in HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  BELIEVING means "saving faith, to have complete confidence and trust that Jesus is able"Believing produces hope which is a confident expectation of good.

It is so important for believers to understand that an abundant (abounding in hope) life is not a life where problems are absent, but a life where God’s power is present!

May the rest of your days, be the best of your days!

CHALLENGE:  Do you abound in HOPE?  Ask the God of HOPE to fill you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING, so that you will abound in HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Then, give hope away like it was candy!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009



One of the names of Jesus in scripture is THE PRINCE OF PEACE.  The word peace here means "Ruler of Complete Contentment - Health, Wealth & Prosperity"

As you go into this holiday season, you may feel like there is a missing piece and that there is a peace missing from your life.  You may face troubled times but it doesn't mean you need to have a troubled mind!  Jesus has come to be the missing PEACE in your life.

Here is how you can have Peace of Mind in Troubled Times:
  1. Do Not be Anxious about Anything! Philippians 4:6a
The word ANXIOUS means, "Troubled with cares"We live in a society full of anxiety but as believers we need to allow the peace of God to rule our hearts and minds!
  1. Pray about Everything! Philippians 4:6b
We are encouraged by the Word of God not to be in a Hurry to Worry but rather to Pray Without DelayWhen we do, the results will be The Peace of God which will 'guard' your heart - Philippians 4:7The word 'guard' here means 'to protect from a hostile invasion' and 'keep the inhabitants from flight'.
Today the Prince of Peace wants to Rule Your Heart & Mind.  Will you find your missing Peace in Jesus today?

CHALLENGE: Ask God for peace like you've never known before!  Then, pray with thanksgiving for that peace.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

God Is FOR You, NOT Against You!

Many of our challenges are caused by others, our own choices and outside circumstances, but whatever the reason for your trial – this is the season for your triumph!

Here are 2 questions you need to ask in challenging times:
  1. "If God be with us who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31
  2. "Who can separate us from the Love of Christ?"  - Romans 8:35
  • Tribulation means 'intense pressure'
  • Distress means 'extreme difficulty'
There is NO Situation, NO Mistake, NO Challenge great enough to come between you and God!

CHALLENGE: Thank God for never leaving or forsaking you!  Call someone this week and encourage them that nothing can separate them from the love of God!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

You have a 'Never Give Up' Character

Romans 5:1-5 & 2 Corinthians 11:23-28
In order to experience victory in every area of your life, you need to develop a 'Never Give Up' character!  Today Pastor Kevin Begley reminded us to rejoice in the TRIALS we experience because they produce ENDURANCE, which means "to bear up courageously, to stand while under pressure."

Realize that endurance produces strong CHARACTER, but if you give up, the trials you are experiencing will not produce the strong character required to win the victory!

And finally, to get over that finish line as the First Place Winner, the strong character you have developed through endurance will produce the HOPE required!

CHALLENGE: Thank God for the trials and allow them to produce endurance, strong character & hope in you this week!

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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

May the Lord Cause you to Increase and Abound in Love
1st Thessalonians 1-13 Key Verses (v.12-13)
  • Increase means 'to add to'.
  • Abound means 'to overflow'.
  • Love means 'to serve with humility'.
We need to love with humility so that, according to the text, we can be blameless. Notice it doesn't say 'sinless'. There is a huge difference between being 'sinless' and being 'blameless'. Being sinless is impossible but being blameless is possible! Blameless means 'intentionally living in obedience to God’s Word' and holiness is 'being separated unto God'.

The good news is that a pure love brings a pure life!

CHALLENGE: Everyday to look for people who you can love (serve with humilty)
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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Conquerors have got a destiny of victory! But... we cannot neglect doing our part if we want to walk in that victory!

These are the things that are important, that we must do in order to conquer and arrive at our destiny of victory:

  1. Coming to Church - Hebrews 10:25
  2. Time for Worship & The Word - Acts 2:47
  3. Obedience in Tithing - Matthew 23:23

God is looking for us to have relationship with Him as our foundation, responsibility in all of our actions and a refining of our character daily.

What the Lord Requires of Us: (Micah 6:8)

  1. To Act Justly - (with fairness, honesty, integrity)
  2. To Love Mercy - (undeserved acts of kindness)
  3. To Walk Humbly with Our God - (Living in submissive obedience to His desire & His will)


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

In Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul begs us to walk worthy of our calling in 3 areas:

  • Our attitude of humility (valuing others) & gentleness (showing brotherly kindness)
  • Our actions (being patient with each other - having a long wick - exact opposite of quick tempered & making allowance for each other’s faults - bearing with one another.)
  • Our inter-actions or how we influence one-another, keeping unity in the bond of peace (vs. 3)

Unity is always the goal - it is the four attitudes and actions above that get us to that goal. Unity is more important than expressing my opinion! It is not something you pray for, you have to walk it out!


  • In 1 Corinthians 1:10 Paul appeals that we be in agreement to avoid divisions, united in mind and in thought.
  • Amos 3:3 says 'How can 2 walk together unless they agree?' Our attitude must remain, "United we stand... PERIOD!"
  • Romans 14:19 encourages us to make peace and build one another up.
  • Acts 2 shows us that unity results in the Spirit being poured out, people being saved, all needs being met and miracles being released!

Ask God to show you this week any areas where you are deficient in the charcter traits that bring unity, especially within the houeshold of faith.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Gal. 6:8-10

"Don't Grow Weary In Doing Good..."

The word 'weary' means 'tired or careless'. God is bringing a harvest of peace, prosperity and provision to those who 'do good'!

  1. The 1st definition of 'GOOD' is 'Don't get weary of developing morally honourable, noble or excellent character'.
  2. The 2nd 'GOOD' is defined as 'being generous, kind, practicing good things towards others'.
When you have Godly character, it will manifest in generousity, kindness and doing good to all people!

"...Especially To The Household Of Faith, The Local Church Family."

It's important to be involved in a local church where people love, help and encourage you! Jesus said, "they will know you are Christians by the love you have for one another."

Let's raise the bar and show each other and the world at large the love Christ showed us and changed us with. Find someone everyday, whether in the local church, your neighbourhood, your workplace or in the world at large and encourage, love and support them!

And always remember, as you refine your character, you are defining your destiny!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Today we learned how to develop the character of a conqueror. God is chiselling away at us, smoothing our character. Colossians chapter 3 teaches us how to take off the old nature and put on the new nature. We learned that there are obvious and not so obvious works of the flesh that need to be put off and they are 2-fold, the first being sins of the emotion which are progressive. They are anger, an impulsive feeling of emotion, annoyance or offence, which manifests in our attitude, rage, an outburst of anger which manifests in action, and malice which is ill-will toward another. Then, sins of the tongue. They are slander or speech which damages the name of another, filthy language or speech that's offensive and lying or to deliberately mislead or deceive.

After taking off the old, we need to put on the new which is compassion, kindness, humility (lifting others up), gentleness (anger in control), patience (opposite of short-tempered - lengthen your fuse), love (not love for God as He is easy to love, He never does anything wrong to us!)

When we put on love, that binds it all together! God is refining us (taking off) and defining us (putting on)!

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Joy Like Candy

Coming soon...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Taste & See That The Lord Is Good! (Ps. 34:8)

Today's amazing message on the 9 Fruit of the Spirit taught us that what we are connected to is what we will produce! The world tells us many things we can do to get these fruit that we seem to long for, like love, joy and peace. But God shows us these fruit will only grow as you abide in him.

God wants us to be blessed! 'Blessed' means "Happy & Satisfied!" Gal. 5:22-23

The fruit of the Spirit will be tested in the hard times, not just in the good times.

Faithfulness attracts favour and Self-Control (discipline) pushes us to victory!

Ps 1:1-3 Whatever I do should be prospering if I am planted in Christ!

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Guard This Season With Your Life! (AM Service)

Dr. John Guns brought a powerful message from 2 Chronicles 22. The story was of Joash who was taken away from the other princes by his nurse and hid in the temple for seven years in order to save him from certain death.

Only Things With Value Are Guarded.
Joash’s nurse guarded him, putting her life in danger, because she knew the value of his life. She understood that if the baby was murdered that no one would legitimately fulfil the kingship and the purpose for which he was created. There are times when we have to separate ourselves from people or places to get to the plans that God has for our lives. We are not conforming to the patterns of this world, but we are being transformed. When we go into the hidden place one way – we are transformed and will come out another way.
Dr. Guns reminded us that the anointing on Pastors Kevin and Pam is a gift and we must guard that gift. It doesn’t mean they need a security detail, it means that we are to recognize their value and be faithful to our assignment to them and the ministry so that they can fulfill their responsibility to the call. We guard our Pastors by: growing, giving and finding our place of ministry.

Make up your mind to become so engaged in building your church that you find yourself saying to everyone you meet, "I go to a church that is so amazing that if you just come once you will be so amazed and never want to miss a service!"
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fight The Flesh - Strengthen The Spirit

The Word of God was delivered in supernatural power this morning! This series on Fighting the Flesh and Strengthening our Spirits is opening the trap that has kept us back and is freeing us to move in the Spirit to accomplish our purpose as Transformers in God's Kingdom.

Question: How Do We Walk in the Spirit? – Rom 8:12-16

We are not obligated to the sinful nature but rather to the Spirit of God, therefore putting to death the sinful nature and living, as sons of God! We have a new identity. We have surrendered our old passport!

Answer: We need to read The Word (John 17:17) and have a relationship with the Spirit.

There is a Life & Death conflict going on inside of us – Galatians 5:17 - The Bible says the acts of the sin nature are obvious! But they are contrary to the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galations. There are actually not 9 fruits but 9 facets of one fruit! The Fruit of the Spirit are actually Qualities of the Spirit.

The Root Determines the Fruit. What is planted and where it is planted determines what will grow. It is the Fruit that determines Christ's Character.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

We continue to hear from God on how we can strengthen our spirit and fight our flesh. The fight is fixed, we know we win, but we have a part to play. There is a battle and we must use the weapons of our warfare that are mighty through God, and we will have the victory!

Exodus 33:13 God will show us his way, just ask Him!

We were taught not to be conformed (or moulded) to the world and its traps, as it is described in
1 John 2:15-16, but rather to be transformed (Romans 12:1-2) just like a caterpillar that goes from the old, through the process (metamorphosis) and into the new, coming out flying high!
When we overcome the flesh and endure temptation, we get a great reward! (James 1:12) It isn't always easy, but it sure is worth it!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

In our pursuit to be conformed into the image of Christ, the cross is where change begins. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!” (NIV) The cross has the power to change us; however, it is up to us to choose to allow our spirit to be strengthened on a daily basis so that we continue to walk in victory.

Ephesians 4:22-24 calls us to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. But what are righteousness and holiness?

Righteousness is immediate to us at salvation and granted to us as long as we are in relationship with Jesus. If we choose to terminate our relationship with Him, then righteousness is no longer accounted to us. We are righteous only through Jesus and the work that He accomplished on the cross.

Holiness is a progressive work as daily we work on our flesh to become more like Christ. 2 Corinthians 7:1 says “Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (NIV) Holiness is a second-by-second, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour choice we make when we crucify our flesh.

This week our challenge is to allow the Word of God to renew our minds and conform us into the image of Christ. HWC, you have been challenged to daily spend time in the Word – 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch and 10 minutes at the evening. As you take this challenge, you will strengthen your spirit and fight your flesh!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

We are born into sin, it is our spiritual DNA.

We Can’t be Saved by:

  • Religion
  • Good Works
  • Obeying the Law

The Cross deflects the world, the devil and the flesh!

When we fail, we don't justify and accept it. We repent and we also forgive others and our Heavenly Father forgives us! Mark 11:25

NOW there is NO Condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST - Romans 8:1

Devotional: Read Romans 8:1-11

© Kevin Begley Ministries 2009

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Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fight The Flesh, Strengthen The Spirit

There are 3 realms we all face:

  1. The World
  1. The Devil
  1. The Flesh (Sinful Nature)

"If you live by the Spirit, you will control the flesh!" Galatians 5:16

© Kevin Begley Ministries 2009

Please make your comments below on how God is giving you the victory over your flesh!
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Greatest Adversary Is Our Flesh!

A lifestyle of victory doesn't mean that you won't have problems, but rather that you will overcome them all!

David faced the lion, then the bear, then the giant. Don't put a limit on how many times you will be willing to have victory over things.

If you draw a line in the sand with God, He will cross it just to test your flesh.

Joseph spent a long time in the prison. Not because his faith was lacking, but rather because he was being formed by God and that was to accomplish God's purposes.

Paul was thrown into prison multiple times and beaten multiple times, he was shipwrecked... for being a man of faith and loving God. Yet he wrote most of the new testament.

Galations 5:24
"And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires."
The proof of being a believer is that we crucify the flesh.

'When we overcome our flesh, we get God's best.'

Our flesh is fighting the Spirit and the Spirit is fighting our flesh. Don't let filters of the flesh block what the Spirit of God is saying to your spirit.

Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

The Spirit needs to oversee the soul, not the other way around.

2 Keys to Overcome the Flesh:

  1. Live by the Spirit
    Don't do things that are contrary to the spirit. It is like working out and eating junk food.
    Exercise is what our body needs, junk food is what our body craves.
    Feed the spirit, starve the flesh

    Practical ways to live in the spirit:

    * Spend time in prayer
    * Take time to worship
    * Build Godly relationships

  2. Get into the Word
    The Word directs our actions
    The Word develops our thoughts

Walk - 'to conducts one's life, a way of living'

  • Read the word

  • Get to church to hear the Word

  • Practice the Word

It isn't easy to control the flesh. We have to make a decision to walk in the spirit! Add your comments below for what God is doing in your life during this amazing series on Thankfulness!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dr. Toni Alvarado - 3 Promises in a Season of Transition

We welcome Bishop and Dr. Toni Alvarado for the 'Living Your Best Life' conference at HWC!

Joshua 1:1-5 (click to read)
The Wilderness is a place of 'just enough'... but we're on their way to the place of 'more than enough', the Promised Land.
Some seasons have to die for new seasons to be birthed. You can't 'get over' until you 'get up'! The death of Moses made room for Joshua. The death of one thing always makes room for something else.
A promise does not mean 'no problems'!
Joshua proved his worthiness as a successor with three tests:

  • He waited in place for Moses for 40 days. He did not move out of place!
  • He and Caleb were of a different spirit and saw the potential rather than the problems when the ten spies were sent to spy out the land!
  • He had no problem going into battle while Moses stayed on the mountain. He had Moses' hands held up so that the battle would be theirs.

God gave Joshua three promises:

  • Victory over his enemies.
  • He reminded them of his faithfulness and that He never changes.
  • He would never forsake them.

What sometimes looks like an obstacle is really an opportunity! The transition we are going through is God's opportunity as HWC is getting ready to see a great harvest; a harvest of souls, a harvest of God's outpuring and blessing like we have never seen before! Praise God!

Bishop Jonathan Alvarado - 'The Exception'

We welcome Bishop and Dr. Toni Alvarado for the 'Living Your Best Life' conference at HWC!

Numbers 9:1-14 (click to read)
The Exception:
Glory is the result of a connected past (don't pursue the new without reflecting on what God has already done!)
'Wilderness': Not where you want to be but different than where you were.
Your timing can get messed up in the wilderness... but it is there that you are on God's clock!
God is not constrained by the wilderness. If He said it, He will do it! Don't change anything! He that began a good work in you is faithful to perform it!
Pay attention to the details, for your deliverance is in the details!
When you are in the wilderness, it's not time to be deep, it's time to be obedient!
Sons and daughters listen to their parents! More so when in the wilderness.
Don't allow your flesh to get in the way because your flesh is like the dead corpse in the text. It will defile you. The flesh that you thought was dead was really just dormant. Even David cut Goliath's head off after he was already dead. If you don't cut off the head of the fallen enemy in your youth, it will come back to haunt and harass you later on in your life.
The men who became unclean, came clean to Moses. They didn't stay unclean. They confessed their mess before it was exposed. However, when you are in the wilderness, it is not the time to mess up.
Moses went before God on their behalf for 'The Exception'... God said they could still keep the Passover. God is willing to make an exception even though you don't deserve it. His grace and mercy are greater than His judgement!
The Problem:
People who are unclean want to worship, but people who are clean, won't worship! God has no problem accepting and excepting sinners, it is those who are clean but won't do what they are called to do that stop His hand from blessing them!
It is a question of the will. God uses wilderness times to separate the willing from the unwilling.

Please testify on this blog about the victory God is giving you as you say 'Yes' to him in the wilderness.

Monday, July 13, 2009

This Is Only A Test!

This week, Pastor Kevin showed us '2 Things To Do To See Victory' in the midst of the test:

  1. Control the Flesh

“A person without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken down walls.”
Prov 25:28

Pastor Kevin was very clear in telling us, "This is a word from God for everyone here!!"

We will get to the best if we control our flesh... but just how do I control my flesh?

We need to keep feeding our spirit – this is the time to:

  • Pray More
  • Bite My Tongue
  • Read the Word More
  • Bite My Tongue
  • Get in Church Every Week
  • Bite My Tongue
  • Get Around Godly People More
  • Bite My Tongue
  1. Respond Wisely

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5

WISDOM - Proper response to do the Godly and righteous thing.

GENEROUSLY- Liberally or with an open hand, not holding back.

It was made very clear that 'God Has VICTORY For Me!' Please testify on this blog about the victory God is giving you through the test, as you become more and more thankful.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

4 Things About Your Test

Pastor Pam preached a breakthrough message about Victory through the test!

1 Cor. 10:13 - "For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not [a]adjusted and [b]adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to [c]a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently."

It might not be my way, but victory is on its way!

  1. You’re Not Alone - If they made it through, you can too!
    Somebody else has already gone through what you are going through.

  2. God is Faithful
    In the midst of a test, don't blame God, trust God!
    2 Thes 3:3 - "Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the evil [one]."
    Psalm 27:5 - "For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock."
    'Faithful' - 'to be trusted in all things'

  3. You Can Do It!
    He will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability to endure!
    'Allow' means 'to give permission'

  4. God has a plan for your VICTORY!
    'Resolution' means 'A way of resolving or a way out'
    God was not taken by surprise in your test! He already has a way out!

    You will be VICTORIOUS!

Please testify about your victory through the test, as you are becoming more thankful daily.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Practical Steps in the Middle of the Test

Today, Pastor Kevin tought on the topic, "Practical Steps In The Middle of the Test".

  1. What You Think
    Prov. 23:7 As he thinks in his heart, so is he.
    'Thinks' - judges or calculates the worth or ability
  2. How You Talk
    Prov. 18:21 There is life or death in the power of the tongue.
    Everything you think ain't worth confessing, or else it can mess with your blessing.
    Some things in my head should not be said.
    'Guard' - a constant watch
    In the middle of the mess, make sure you bless!
  3. How You Walk
    Don't change your direction in the middle of the test!
    Don't get depressed - this is only a test!
    Don't get stressed - this is only a test!
    (Because you will pass the test!!)

Please comment on what God is doing as you are becoming more thankful, even in the midst of the test.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Thankfulness Impacts Our Quality of Life!

Phillipians 4:6-8. We remembered the 3 things we've been taught:

  1. Refraining from Complaining - Phil 2:14
  2. Living In Thanksgiving - Phil 4:12-13
  3. Counting Your Blessings - Psalm 102:3

Did you know that chronic stress over time can cause:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Weight Problems
  3. Heart Disease/Stroke
  4. Ulcers
  5. Pain, headaches, joint issues, etc.
  6. Concentration & Memory Loss
  7. Sleep Disorders

We were taught that 'Think' means 'to dwell on or meditate on' and encouraged to start our day with a 'Meditation of Inspiration'. And did you know that people who are consciously grateful are:

  • More Energetic
  • More Joyful
  • Had Fewer Illnesses
  • More Resilient in Tough Times
  • Live Longer…

Everyday we need to make a choice, even when it is tough, to start the day by giving thanks. Let everyone know what you have been experiencing during this great series on Thankfulness by entering your comments on this week's blog.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Overflowing With Thanksgiving!

In this continuing series on Thanksgiving, we learned 3 ways to practice Thankfulness:
  1. Make a Memory to recall to mind God's faithfulness, power, goodness, testimony and hope
  2. Take a Moment
  3. Break Out a Praise
We were reminded that we can give without being thankful but we can't be thankful without giving! The results of being thankful are in getting stonger emotionally, relationally, physically, spiritually. Thankful people are powerful people!!

Let everyone know what you have been experiencing during this great series on Thankfulness by entering your comments on this week's blog.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, May 17th, 2009 Message

All I can say is... WOW!! What we have been taught about thanksgiving has been blessing so many people as they start to live a lifestyle of:

  1. Refraining from Complaining - Ph 2:14
  2. Living in Thanksgiving - Ph 4:6
  3. Counting our Blessings – Ps 103:2

We have really noticed a culture of unthankfulness and how it has affected us. We live in a culture of entitlement. But we are being empowered at Harvest Worship Centre to have an attitude of gratitude that will help to change that culture, both in ourselves and in those around us.

Today we learned 3 aspects of giving:

  1. Remembering: What God Has Done - Psalm 107:1

    Give thanks to God for He is Good… ALL THE TIME - God is Good!! Even while we were going away from God, He saved us! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory!! Blessed be the NAME of the LORD!

    Release your thanks and God releases everything you need right here and right now!

  2. Telling Others: What God Has Done - Psalm 107:2

    Let the redeemed of the Lord say this! Say means , "to mention, to declare, to tell another."

  3. Giving: When We Are Thankful People, Our Lives Will Show It - 2 Cor 9:12

    You can give without being thankful but you cannot be thankful without giving! Thanksgiving results in generosity and overflows into "Thanks-Living!"

Feel free to express your thankfulness to God for all He has done for you by commenting below...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, May 10th, 2009 Message

Today was Mother's Day at HWC. The house was packed and our mothers got to experience our appreciation towards them in many great ways like song specials, poems and a special presentation from the kids. The international buffet featuring foods from around the world was once again a great hit! Then, we had our very own version of 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?' with the host being none other than Pastor Kevin Begley. The contestant, Kenneth Dunkley, answered all three questions accurately and won $1,000,000 HWC dollars! The topic of the questions - you guessed it - Thankfulness. Saving the best for last, Pastors Kevin and Pam tag-teamed to preach the third message in a series on being thankful. We were challenged to see if we were thankful in 10 specific areas: Our job, our home, our car, our health, our spouse, our church, our pastors, our family, our bank account and our life as a whole. The secret to being thankful was shared as always remembering to 'count our blessings'. We reviewed Psalm 103:2 which says, "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." The rest of the Psalm describes those benefits. I highly recommend reading them for yourself. You won't want to miss Life Group this week!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 Message

The second message in this series on Thankfulness was mind-blowing!!!! Society is filled with anxiety. We keep asking God to remove the distraction that causes anxiety but He wants us to function in the midst of the distraction. We need to recognize that our dependence is in Him. We have an anointing from the Holy One. It is a gift from God that empowers us through the distraction to the victory! We learned that contentment doesn't come naturally, but that Paul says he 'learned' how to be content. It is our choice, God has already chosen. Maybe we have lost our peace because we are unthankful! No one can steal our peace, we give it up by choice whether we know it or not! We were taught to dream big, stay at peace and expect the victory!Miss a service... add your comments by posting below!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009 Message

Today's message was phenomenal! Refraining from Complaining has shown me that I can hinder the very blessings I am believing for by speaking in a bad way, murmuring or complaining. It was powerful to be reminded that I need to look and sound different than the world around me or they won't see any difference in me and will see no reason to come to Christ, since I am supposedly in Christ but live no differently than they. Making a list of the things I say during an average day that are murmuring or complaining has really enlightened me to how easy it is for me to sabotage my own destiny with my mouth. "...for out of the abundance (overflow) of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45b