Sunday, March 28, 2010

Preparing For Your Resurrection Seed Miracle!

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This Week's Text: Philippians 4:18 - Your sacrifice is a fragrant offering which God welcomes.  The word 'Sacrifice' means, 'something offered that is considered to be of great value'. 
Giving is not about an equal amount of money, but rather an equal amount of sacrifice.

There are 2 Things We Need to Know When We Sow:
  1. Sacrificial Giving Always Gets God’s Attention

    Mark 12:41-44

    • The widow gave the greater amount because of the level of her sacrifice!  Her giving made history!
    • Giving out of abundance is not wrong or bad; it is obedience.  But giving out of lack is giving more because it is a sacrifice!
    Matthew 26:6-13
    • Some people around you won't understand why you give what you do; but God looks at your sacrifice as worship and it makes history!
    • Your Sacrificial Seed Sown will bring Prophetic Promise to Pass!

  2. Sacrificial Giving Produces Miracle Living

    Matthew 14:17-21

    • The boy with the fish & loaves gave all he had and a Miracle of Multiplication was Manifested
    • His sacrificial obedience blessed thousands around him then and there, but even more was left to bless others at a later time.

    1 Kings 17:9-16

    • God prepared a woman to feed Elijah, but she didn't appear to have enough to help.
    • When what you hold in your hand is not your harvest, make it your seed!
Sacrificial Giving
Opens The Door
To Supernatural Living!! 

Get ready, get ready, get ready!  God is setting you up!  There are breakthroughs of every kind being prepared for you.  Like Elijah, God is coming to visit you and it may look like you have nothing.  Do like the widow woman and go find what God has already provided you (seed to the sower).  Then, ask God to show what to sow and be obedient.  It will look like it is impossible but if you obey, God will bring you a harvest beyond your wildest imagination.  One apple seed will grow one apple tree.  One apple tree could give you over 100 apples.  Each apple can give you 5 seeds.  That gives you the potential of 500 new apple trees!  In just one more season you will have 250,000 seeds that will bear fruit after their own kind!  Exponential return is coming you way.  Don't eat your seed, sow it this Resurrection Seed Sunday and watch God supply more than enough for you, for those around you and for needs you aren't yet even aware of!

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Preparing For Your Resurrection Seed Miracle!

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This Week's Text: 2 Corinthians 9:5-15 (NIV)

Did you know the bible talks about giving well over a thousand times?  Why do you think God talks about giving more than 3 times as much as he talks about prayer?  Is He greedy?  NOT!!

Why does God talk about Giving?:
  1. It's about our heart;
  2. It's about our trust;
  3. It's about our obedience.
There are 2 reasons we need to learn to be givers:
  1. People are Selfish by nature;  Giving is the one thing that people naturally have a hard time with; 2 year old's favourite word is "mine"
  2. God is a Giver by nature; John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world that He GAVE…”
  1. Sowing is planting a seed and expecting a harvest;
  2. Sowing is a law God has established known as 'Seedtime & Harvest'. Genesis 8:22
  1. We need to sow GENEROUSLY, which means 'liberally, open handed'. (Sparingly on the other hand means 'tight-fisted')
"An open-handed gift to God brings
an open-handed response from God!"

Have a look at the following Video:
click > Generosity < here
  1. We need to sow CHEERFULLY as a cheerful giver is one who gives joyfully, without hesitation or regret.
  • We DO NOT want you to give reluctantly. Reluctantly means “out of a sense of duty not desire”;
  • We DO NOT want you to give under compulsion; Compulsion means “feeling pressured or persuaded”;
    • CHEERFUL GIVER - 'One who gives joyfully without hesitation or regret.'
We sow because it is God’s process to bless!  God wants to bless you by:
  1. Providing For Your Need
    • SUFFICIENCY - the state of having adequate provision
  2. Giving You An Abundance
    • ABUNDANCE - overflowing, to have excess, to receive in large measure
The purpose of abundance is to have sufficiency in your life so that you will have enough to give away.  "To be generous on all occasions."

When We Sow We:
  1. Believe God to Supply Our Own Needs - because He acts on His own principles
  2. Can Bless Others Around Us
CHALLENGE: Look at an area of your life where you are in need. Ask God to show you what you need to sow sacrificially that will put you in the place of provision for that need. He will show you and you need to act on that revelation. Only when you are stretched by what it is you are being challenged to sow, will you know that it is the voice of God. Total dependence on Him with an open hand. Once you get the principle of Kingdom giving down, you will wish you had done it all your life. Giving is a Kingdom law and if it is not followed, 'want' will be your constant companion. He gave His best; give your best in response.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Lives of Esau & Jacob

This week's service can be watched at


Over the last two weeks we have looked at the lives of Abraham and Lot.  This week we will take a look at the lives of Esau (what you see is what you get) and Jacob (a dreamer and a schemer) - Genesis 25:32-34

Life Lessons from Esau:

The problem with Esau was that he lived for the here and now.  The word 'birthright' we read in the text means 'rights & privileges of the firstborn' - vs. 32.  Esau wanted his inheritance NOW!  He disregarded God.  The word 'despised' from the text means 'deemed it to be worthless' - vs. 34.

Esau did not attach the appropriate value to his birthright.  He was very careless with God’s blessing.  He cared too little about the spiritual & too much about the physical life.
Life Lessons from Jacob:
The problem with Jacob was that he knew the promises but not the Way of the Promisor. You must be patient. Don’t go your own way, go God’s way.
Here are some powerful principles we can learn from Esau's and Jacob's mistakes:

The results of Esau’s self-serving attitude was that he lost the blessing of his father and of God.

The pleasures of this life only last for a season!
The results of Jacob’s deception were that he had to leave his father’s house, his family wealth was left to Esau, he never saw his mother again and he was tricked by his uncle & later by his own sons, a generational curse.

You reap what you sow!
Life Lesson For You:
Your mistakes might change the path, but not God's plan for you, because All God’s Promises Prove True!
Memory Verse:
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” [Hebrews 10:23] NKJV

CHALLENGE: Look at some of God’s promises that you have been impatient with and may have tried to help along. Ask God for forgiveness and turn his promises back over to him. If you feel you may have hindered a promise and that it is too late, remember what Pastor said; “Our mistakes might change the path, but not God's plan for you” You can always get right with God and all His promises will prove true! 

Please log your comments on how this week's message has been a blessing to you!  Simply click on the comments link immediately below this week's blog. Any comments already submitted will appear and you can comment below them. (All comments are reviewed before publishing.) 

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    Sunday, March 07, 2010

    Walking With The Greats - The Life of Lot

    This week's service can be watched at

    1 Corinthians 10:11 - These are our examples!

    Main Text: Gen 13:1-12

    Who is Lot? 
    Lot was Abraham's nephew, and a very wealthy man (due to his connection with Abraham).  It is so important that you make a wise selection in your connection!

    Lesson’s From Lot’s Life:
    1. Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
      The word 'walk' means
      'a way or path of living'.  Lot based his choices solely on what he saw! vs.10.  Remember:
      Just Because Something Looks Better - Doesn’t Mean It Is Better!
      Focus Verses:
      Genesis 19 tells us Lot's decision to walk by sight caused his possessions to be stolen, him and his family to be tormented and oppressed and he eventually lost his wife.  2 Peter 2:7-8 confirms that Lot was a righteous man.  But the real question is; "How could these things happen to a righteous man?"  You need to understand that there is so much more to success than just being a believer, it's more than just accepting Christ!  Once you have accepted Christ, to live in success we are required to:
      1. walk by faith
      2. make wise choices
    2. Your Choices Affect Your LifeWe at HWC understand that 'Your choice is your success and your success is your choice!'  Your current choices will impact your future successes.  There are 2 bad choices Lot made.
      1. He did not seek God for Wisdom - James 1:5-8
      2. He did not seek Godly Counsel - Proverbs 11:14;12:15
      Regardless of how long you have been a believer, regardless of how righteous you may feel you are, if you do not humble yourself and seek God and godly counsel, you will end up making bad choices that will cause you to miss God's best plan for you and even hurt those you are connected to.        
    3. What To Do When You Make a Wrong Choice
      You may still experience bad consequences from your bad choices, but they don't make you a bad person!  God still has plans to give you hope and a future!  To experience God's best for your future, listen to God now and obey without hesitation!  As long as you are alive, it's never too late to get it right with God and move into your destiny!
    4. CHALLENGE:What are some choices you will be making in the coming days, weeks or months?  Write them down and commit them to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him for Wisdom and get with your Life Group Leader or a godly leader you are willing to make yourself accountable to and get godly wisdom as it pertains to your choices. 
      Please log your comments on how this week's message has been a blessing to you!  Simply click on the comments link immediately below this week's blog. Any comments already submitted will appear and you can comment below them. (All comments are reviewed before publishing.) 
      NOTE: The Blogger Navbar includes a button called "Share". When blog readers visit the 'HWC Sunday Message' blog, they can click "Share" to post the blog's URL to Twitter, Facebook, or Google Reader. If they navigate directly to an individual blog post, clicking "Share" in the navbar also lets them share the post by email. Once you have left your comment, please share this post on Facebook. This will allow many others the opportunity to visit the 'HWC Sunday Message' blog and be blessed by the message.  You can also subscribe to the blog with RSS feeds. CLICK HERE to subscribe to HWC Sunday Messages with RSS. 
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