Sunday, March 21, 2010

Preparing For Your Resurrection Seed Miracle!

This week's service can be watched at

This Week's Text: 2 Corinthians 9:5-15 (NIV)

Did you know the bible talks about giving well over a thousand times?  Why do you think God talks about giving more than 3 times as much as he talks about prayer?  Is He greedy?  NOT!!

Why does God talk about Giving?:
  1. It's about our heart;
  2. It's about our trust;
  3. It's about our obedience.
There are 2 reasons we need to learn to be givers:
  1. People are Selfish by nature;  Giving is the one thing that people naturally have a hard time with; 2 year old's favourite word is "mine"
  2. God is a Giver by nature; John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world that He GAVE…”
  1. Sowing is planting a seed and expecting a harvest;
  2. Sowing is a law God has established known as 'Seedtime & Harvest'. Genesis 8:22
  1. We need to sow GENEROUSLY, which means 'liberally, open handed'. (Sparingly on the other hand means 'tight-fisted')
"An open-handed gift to God brings
an open-handed response from God!"

Have a look at the following Video:
click > Generosity < here
  1. We need to sow CHEERFULLY as a cheerful giver is one who gives joyfully, without hesitation or regret.
  • We DO NOT want you to give reluctantly. Reluctantly means “out of a sense of duty not desire”;
  • We DO NOT want you to give under compulsion; Compulsion means “feeling pressured or persuaded”;
    • CHEERFUL GIVER - 'One who gives joyfully without hesitation or regret.'
We sow because it is God’s process to bless!  God wants to bless you by:
  1. Providing For Your Need
    • SUFFICIENCY - the state of having adequate provision
  2. Giving You An Abundance
    • ABUNDANCE - overflowing, to have excess, to receive in large measure
The purpose of abundance is to have sufficiency in your life so that you will have enough to give away.  "To be generous on all occasions."

When We Sow We:
  1. Believe God to Supply Our Own Needs - because He acts on His own principles
  2. Can Bless Others Around Us
CHALLENGE: Look at an area of your life where you are in need. Ask God to show you what you need to sow sacrificially that will put you in the place of provision for that need. He will show you and you need to act on that revelation. Only when you are stretched by what it is you are being challenged to sow, will you know that it is the voice of God. Total dependence on Him with an open hand. Once you get the principle of Kingdom giving down, you will wish you had done it all your life. Giving is a Kingdom law and if it is not followed, 'want' will be your constant companion. He gave His best; give your best in response.

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  1. What a service this sunday my God it was so powerful and such a word in season from God. You reap what you sow. You sow kindness,you will reap kindness,you sow sparingly you can;t expect a bountiful harvest but if you sow generously than you can expect to reap generously. I can;t wait for all the miracles to come forth on resurrection seed sunday.

  2. The bible talks about giving over a thousand times. God is trying to help us. To receive abundant prosperity, you need to sow generously, for with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. It's not about the amount, but about the heart. Give to God and watch what he will do in your life. He is faithful.
