Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Lives of Esau & Jacob

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Over the last two weeks we have looked at the lives of Abraham and Lot.  This week we will take a look at the lives of Esau (what you see is what you get) and Jacob (a dreamer and a schemer) - Genesis 25:32-34

Life Lessons from Esau:

The problem with Esau was that he lived for the here and now.  The word 'birthright' we read in the text means 'rights & privileges of the firstborn' - vs. 32.  Esau wanted his inheritance NOW!  He disregarded God.  The word 'despised' from the text means 'deemed it to be worthless' - vs. 34.

Esau did not attach the appropriate value to his birthright.  He was very careless with God’s blessing.  He cared too little about the spiritual & too much about the physical life.
Life Lessons from Jacob:
The problem with Jacob was that he knew the promises but not the Way of the Promisor. You must be patient. Don’t go your own way, go God’s way.
Here are some powerful principles we can learn from Esau's and Jacob's mistakes:

The results of Esau’s self-serving attitude was that he lost the blessing of his father and of God.

The pleasures of this life only last for a season!
The results of Jacob’s deception were that he had to leave his father’s house, his family wealth was left to Esau, he never saw his mother again and he was tricked by his uncle & later by his own sons, a generational curse.

You reap what you sow!
Life Lesson For You:
Your mistakes might change the path, but not God's plan for you, because All God’s Promises Prove True!
Memory Verse:
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” [Hebrews 10:23] NKJV

CHALLENGE: Look at some of God’s promises that you have been impatient with and may have tried to help along. Ask God for forgiveness and turn his promises back over to him. If you feel you may have hindered a promise and that it is too late, remember what Pastor said; “Our mistakes might change the path, but not God's plan for you” You can always get right with God and all His promises will prove true! 

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    1 comment:

    1. What a message. God is so awesome. Even when we mess up, God keeps his promise to us. What a loving, compassionate and merciful Lord we serve.
      As long as you don't quit on God, you can't lose your promise. We need to make a decision to go Gods way, and trust Him to lead us to our promises. He is faithful. He will never leave you or forsake you.
