Sunday, March 07, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Lot

This week's service can be watched at

1 Corinthians 10:11 - These are our examples!

Main Text: Gen 13:1-12

Who is Lot? 
Lot was Abraham's nephew, and a very wealthy man (due to his connection with Abraham).  It is so important that you make a wise selection in your connection!

Lesson’s From Lot’s Life:
  1. Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
    The word 'walk' means
    'a way or path of living'.  Lot based his choices solely on what he saw! vs.10.  Remember:
    Just Because Something Looks Better - Doesn’t Mean It Is Better!
    Focus Verses:
    Genesis 19 tells us Lot's decision to walk by sight caused his possessions to be stolen, him and his family to be tormented and oppressed and he eventually lost his wife.  2 Peter 2:7-8 confirms that Lot was a righteous man.  But the real question is; "How could these things happen to a righteous man?"  You need to understand that there is so much more to success than just being a believer, it's more than just accepting Christ!  Once you have accepted Christ, to live in success we are required to:
    1. walk by faith
    2. make wise choices
  2. Your Choices Affect Your LifeWe at HWC understand that 'Your choice is your success and your success is your choice!'  Your current choices will impact your future successes.  There are 2 bad choices Lot made.
    1. He did not seek God for Wisdom - James 1:5-8
    2. He did not seek Godly Counsel - Proverbs 11:14;12:15
    Regardless of how long you have been a believer, regardless of how righteous you may feel you are, if you do not humble yourself and seek God and godly counsel, you will end up making bad choices that will cause you to miss God's best plan for you and even hurt those you are connected to.        
  3. What To Do When You Make a Wrong Choice
    You may still experience bad consequences from your bad choices, but they don't make you a bad person!  God still has plans to give you hope and a future!  To experience God's best for your future, listen to God now and obey without hesitation!  As long as you are alive, it's never too late to get it right with God and move into your destiny!
  4. CHALLENGE:What are some choices you will be making in the coming days, weeks or months?  Write them down and commit them to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him for Wisdom and get with your Life Group Leader or a godly leader you are willing to make yourself accountable to and get godly wisdom as it pertains to your choices. 
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  1. My lord what a service the second in this new series this sunday morning. It was life changing as we should humble ourselves and ask for godly counsel and Godly advice and not for approval when you had already made the wrong choices that will miss the plan God has for your life. Seek God"s wisdom and alway,always remember its never too late to get it right with God and get on the right path. Even if your on the right track,you won"t get anywhere if you're standing still. There has got to be action,Godly action.

  2. Pastor showed us how important it is to be careful of who we're connected to. Lot was with Abraham, the father of faith, yet he still left and made some bad choices. He ended up with the consequences of his choice, losing everything, but thank God that he doesn't leave us there. We repent, move forward, and don't look back. Time to get back on track.
