Sunday, October 11, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Gal. 6:8-10

"Don't Grow Weary In Doing Good..."

The word 'weary' means 'tired or careless'. God is bringing a harvest of peace, prosperity and provision to those who 'do good'!

  1. The 1st definition of 'GOOD' is 'Don't get weary of developing morally honourable, noble or excellent character'.
  2. The 2nd 'GOOD' is defined as 'being generous, kind, practicing good things towards others'.
When you have Godly character, it will manifest in generousity, kindness and doing good to all people!

"...Especially To The Household Of Faith, The Local Church Family."

It's important to be involved in a local church where people love, help and encourage you! Jesus said, "they will know you are Christians by the love you have for one another."

Let's raise the bar and show each other and the world at large the love Christ showed us and changed us with. Find someone everyday, whether in the local church, your neighbourhood, your workplace or in the world at large and encourage, love and support them!

And always remember, as you refine your character, you are defining your destiny!


  1. Thank God for the harvest family,typical example of what the true family of God is about, I pray as we daily devlop our character that we would grow into the destiny that God has design for us.
    let us truly be defined by our love for each other. the early church was defined as having all things in common.keep going pastors every week I am convince we are in the right place at the right time in our lives.

  2. Service was amazing. Great word, salvations, just awesome. We really need to listen to the Spirit and define our character. It's a tough journey sometimes, but we need to do it for other people as well as ourselves. The bible says they'll know we serve God by our love for one another. Let's show the world who we really are. DJ

  3. We use to have an old slogan,put a tiger in your tank referring to a paticular kind of gas for the car, man did we ever had fuel this weekend, oct.18.2009, every thing is in the word just keep digging, depends how deep you want to go it's all there. Let the influence of this word touch all who you come in contact with this week.
    God Richly Bless you Pastor Pam & Kevin
    Have a Blessed week
