Sunday, April 03, 2011

Principles For Giving - Generosity

God Has a Pattern for Giving to Release Kingdom Living
- 1 Corinthians 16:2

Giving shows that God, not money has first place in our lives.  God set the example by giving his best.  In John 3:16 the Word says that God loved us so much that He gave His Son!  He put us first by giving His best - His only Son!  We need to follow His example by putting God first and giving our best.  Giving is God's process to release prosperity into your life.

As we increase our giving, we increase our capacity for receiving.

Are you ready to attack lack in your life?  To move from 'not enough' to 'more than enough'?  Are you ready for a release of increase?

How we give is as important as what we give.  Proverbs 11:25  "The generous will prosper..."  God never gives us something that is outside of our reach.  We all have the ability to be generous, therefore we all have the ability to prosper.

The characteristic of a generous person is one who gives generously and who doesn't cling to their cash.  Generous means "one who gives freely".  A generous person doesn't try to manipulate God but is obedient to God.  A generous person returns the tithe, brings their offering and looks for an opportunity to share what they have.  True generosity has no motive behind it.   You can't bribe God and you can't buy a miracle!

You can grow in generosity.  What you considered as generous many years ago will most likely be much larger today.

Principles for Generosity: 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
  1. God is our source.  He supplies seed for you to sow and He supplies bread for you to eat.  Your bank account is not your source; your job is not your source: the government is not your source.  Generosity teaches us that God is our only true source.
  1. God brings the increase of resources you can give and He enlarges you.  Your generosity increases as you are generous.  Give first - and live on what remains.  Then, God will cause what you sow to grow.  Remember not to eat your seed.  Canadians spend 102+% of what we make.  That means debt.  That is why we struggle to be generous.
  1. God makes you rich in every way.  Rich means "abundantly supplied".  Why does God do this?  So that you can be generous all the time - on every occasion.
Generous giving produces prosperous living.  It's not for once in a while, it's a lifestyle.

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