Sunday, November 07, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Stephen

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Acts 6:1-15

Stephen came on the scene when the church was exploding. He was involved and helping in the local church. He was not an Apostle or Pastor, but a deacon - one who served tables.  Stephen even had influence on the Apostle Paul. Stephen is one we need to emulate and imitate. The Apostles didn't try to do it all - serve and preach. It would be too much for them. They knew they needed help, so they agreed to appoint seven people to help get the work of the ministry done.  They laid hands on Stephen and blessed him to serve. Not as a Pastor or a Missionary, but a servant.

Serve "FaithFULL" Acts 6:1-7 - 'Full of faith'

Stephen lived full of faith, as a deacon.  He was launched into serving and the church grew.  When you meet the people's needs, the church will grow!

ACTION: Godly people serve the people - Apostles increase prayer & preaching.  The Apostles had to be free to do what they were called to do.  The results were greater because of people like Stephen who were helping to serve.  Every person has an assignment.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might"  Did the action hurt the ministry? Absolutely not!  They understood that everyone has an assignment.  And the results were that the Word of God spread and the disciples increased!

LIFE LESSON #1: When the leadership serves 'faithFULL' then the church grows rapidly.

It's not enough to pray for growth.  We have to be prepared to care for the household of faith.  When you do your part, it causes the church to grow.  People in the local church where Stephen served were full of faith and serving faithfully.  You may ask, "Why do you have to be full of faith just to serve?"  As those who served did so, they were speaking with people.  Not complaining; not whining that he should have a greater position.  "I'm just saying..."  or other comments that would impede the growth of the church.  Fussy people - even nice fussy people - hinder the growth of the church.  They tell four people who tell another four people each and the gossip spreads - and hinders the growth of the church.  Build the people up as you communicate while you serve.  If you serve in faith, your faith will spill out of you and influence those you serve.  Influence doesn't just come from the pulpit.  You influence people with your words and your actions.  You must serve faithful and faithfully.  The seven who were appointed to serve were FULL of the Holy Spirit.

Serve "PrayerFULL" Acts 6:5 - Full means 'having a full measure'.

Don't have just enough Holy Ghost.  Don't compare with anyone else.  Get full of the Holy Ghost yourself.  Give those you serve the clear, fresh and refreshing drink of the Holy Ghost, not tainted or mixed with anything unholy.

LIFE LESSON #2: When you are FULL of the Holy Spirit, You can’t be full of yourself.

When someone is full of the Holy Ghost, they talk about how good God is; you leave impressed with God, not the person.  Focus is on God when you are full of the Holy Ghost.  It doesn't mean you are perfect, but it does mean you are submitted.  And that means you need to spend time in His presence; at the beginning of each day and throughout the day.

Serve "PowerFULL" Acts 6:8 - "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people"

We need to live a life full of Faith, Holy Spirit, Grace & Power.  God's power then flows through us to make an impact on people's lives.  Serving is a great way to see miracles released.  When you see and learn of a need, you release your faith into the lives of those in need.

LIFE LESSON #3: When you live FULL, expect miracles, signs & wonders.

Expect that when you serve, you will see miracles, signs and wonders.  1 John 2:20 - We all have 'an anointing from the Holy One...' but there will be those who come against us.

LIFE LESSON #4: When God is working through you, you can expect some opposition.

Stand BOLDly Acts 6:12-15 - Stephen was stoned to death

Paul (called Saul at the time) stood there watching as they stoned Stephen to death.  He supported what was happening.  Some think that if you have great faith you won't have opposition.  In fact, your faith is there to help you respond to opposition with God's grace.  Stephen's example both in living and in dying impacted Paul's life.  In fact so much so that the first message Paul preached was the same message Stephen was preaching when he was stoned.  Paul actually started where Stephen left off and finished Stephen's message! WOW!!

LIFE LESSON #5: When the world tries to shake your faith; let your faith shake the world!

Stephen prayed for those persecuting him and Paul heard this.  It affected Paul - it influenced Paul - it shook Paul's world.

Acts 8:4 - The persecution that the church was experiencing at this time caused it to be scattered.  The scattering turned out to be a good thing because it took the message of the gospel out to the rest of the world.

LIFE LESSON #6: When walking through persecution it releases greater reward.

CHALLENGEThe church is supposed to be growing.  Is what you are doing on a daily basis playing a role in local church growth?  What are you waiting on to happen before you decide to serve the local church body?  God wants to work through you to release miracles, signs and wonders.  Step up - there is so much to do - get involved in serving in the local church.  The Pastor can't do it all.  The leadership team is not big enough to meet every need.  The growth of the church is hindered while believers watch
without taking action.  As you listen to the voice of God and step out, God will use you to make a difference in people's lives.  You will be credited eternally with helping the church grow and those you set the example for will be given a real model that they too can follow.

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1 comment:

  1. God can use you no matter who you are or where you serve. As long as you are FULL of the Holy Spirit and are faithful, God will use you to touch people's lives. Every believer needs to find a place to serve, and stay committed and faithful, and watch what God will do through your life.
