Sunday, September 19, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Daniel

This week's service can be watched at

"...follow the example of those who are going to inherit
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12

Today's Scripture Text: The Book of Daniel

Sometimes unexpected things are going to happen in your life.  Everyone of us faces challenges, but..

Life Lesson #1 - Situations might sidetrack your plan, but they can’t sidetrack God’s plan.

God's plans for you are great, regardless of what you are going through.  There are always curve balls, but it's how we respond that will determine if we see God's plan come to pass.  The only one who can stop God's plan is you!

3 MAIN KEYS to Get to God’s Great Plans:
  1. He Determined to Obey God - Daniel 1:8
Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself!  He said, "I will follow God no matter what!"  Sometimes we will defile ourselves to get what we want.  For friends, a raise or a promotion.

Life Lesson #2 - The godly choice is always the right choice. Even if it costs you.

Most times it will cost you to make the godly choice, but don't worry, God will always bless you more than you can on your own, when you do the right thing!  "I am determined to obey!"  "What's the big deal, it's just a party... it's just a glass of wine..."  Remember Josiah?  He found the Word and said, We are going to read and obey the Word!  At this time Daniel was about 2-3 years old.  He and his family began to go to the temple regularly.  All of Judah served the Lord wholeheartedly.  Daniel grew up hearing the commandments of the Lord and therefore, when he was tested, he said, "I will not defile myself."  He made up his mind not to defile himself.
  1. He Disciplined his Life - Daniel 1:11-15; 6:4
At the end of 10 days, Daniel was healthier than any of the King's other administrators.  They were jealous of Daniel and tried to find fault with him, but Daniel was faithful in all his affairs.  He was responsible and they could find nothing wrong with him.  When you aren't disciplined in one area, it can easily affect other areas of your life.  A little leaven... Galatians 5:9  Daniel had determined to live a disciplined lifestyle.  Discipline will take you beyond your natural abilities.
Discipline: behaviour in accordance with a code of conduct, order maintained by self-control.
We are famous for excuses; we blame it on our past, our parents or the government.  'Failure is an absence of discipline!'

Life Lesson #3 - It takes discipline in order to win!

  1. He DEPENDED on GOD - Daniel 6:10
Daniel's custom was to pray daily.  Regardless of culture or decrees, he was faithful to pray, showing his dependency on God and noone else!

Life Lesson #4 - To Stay on Course, ALWAYS REMEMBER: God is Your Source

The godly patterns Daniel established when he was young, caused him to excel in every area of his life.  It's good to develop some 'Holy Habits'.  What's exciting is that it's just as hard to break good habits as it is to break bad ones.

'Bad habits bring devastation - godly habits bring preservation!'

The king had issued a decree that you could only pray to him, but Daniel could not break the habit of praying to the source he knew was faithful, God.  He made a choice to not stop praying.  Many believe that Daniel was only young when he was thrown into the lion's den, but he was actually 80 years old!  It would have been easy for Daniel to ask God why he was still being tested at that age!  But he always trusted in his God.  He couldn't break that holy habit regardless of his age, even if he tried.  Regardless of your age, you can be sure the test will come, but know that God will never let you down!  No matter what happens, keep trusting in God as your source!

Life Lesson #5 - God won’t stop you from running into problems, BUT He will always bring you through.

Praying and serving faithfully didn't stop problems from coming to Daniel.  But praying and serving faithfully kept him, in the midst of his problems.  He probably slept better in the lion's den than the king did in the palace.  Daniel was at peace amongst hungry lions as he recounted God's faithfulness over the years.  When you have developed godly habits, you will be able to recount God's faithfulness in the midst of every storm.

Remember this: God has never failed you and He's not about to start now! Philippians 1:6

When the morning came, the king was the first to the lion's den.  Daniel yelled up, long live the king and he testified of God's goodness and faithfulness!

Everyone lacks discipline in various areas of their lives.  In order to see and maintain success in your life, in the things God has called you to, you must develop a disciplined lifestyle.  This week, list 3 areas where you lack discipline.  Then, according to James 1:2-5, ask God for wisdom to develop discipline in these areas.  Depend on the Holy Spirit to help you stay faithful to these disciplines daily.  Let God's faithfulness to you motivate your faithfulness to Him.

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  1. Daniel's story is amazing. He was taken captive as a slave. His life looked like there was no future, wondering if all his dreams were gone. Like there was no way for them to come to pass.
    But God. No matter what life may throw at you, God's plans are a sure thing. Nothing can stop them, but yourself. Don't give up on God, no matter what. He will make a way.

  2. Daniel's story reminds me that I can be different and set apart and still make a huge difference in my environment.
