Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pastor Dave Tunakitis - Is This All There Is?

This week's service can be watched at
Dave Tunakitis

The Way Things Are Is Not The Way They Should Be!
Before Jesus began His ministry he actually passed right by those going through things and He did nothing.  When Jesus eventually began His ministry, He dove-tailed directly off of John the Baptist's ministry. Matthew 3:1-2  His was a message of repentance, of restoration.  But if God is about restoration, it stands to reason that you would need to know what the original looked like.  Something was lost when Adam and Eve sinned.  Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Genesis 1 & 2 is about God's design for the earth.  Everything after that is all about God getting us back to Genesis 1 & 2; back to His original intent, back to that which was lost.

'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near!'
Jesus and John the baptist both preached repentance but repentance wasn't a new message.  The prophets of old also preached repentance.  What was new was that now the revelation of repentance was so much clearer because now the Kingdom of Heaven was near. Matthew 4:17

When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they didn't have to do anything to access the presence of God; but sin changed all that.  A whole process was introduced to gain access to God.  But when Jesus went to the cross, we once again had direct access to God, just like Adam & Eve had in the garden.

We never really saw healings in the old testament but when Jesus came into ministry, healing was everywhere He went. Matthew 9:35Demonic cleansing never happened in the old testament; people just accepted the condition... until Jesus arrived.  He cast out demons and those previously possessed were found clothed and in their right mind.  The people weren't used to this and became afraid. Mark 5:15

Unpack Your Bags - There's Still Work To Do!
Some believers think that what Jesus did on the Cross was only to get us to Heaven.  If that was the case, we'd have been taken to Heaven immediately after receiving Christ.  Just think what that would do to your church growth program!  But there is still a job to do... before you get to Heaven.  God's original intent (His will) is still not being done in the earth today.  Matthew 6:10  Jesus prayed that we wouldn't be taken from the earth, but rather protected from the evil one. John 17:15

'The Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully advancing...' Matthew 11:12-15  We as believers have a role to play in that advancement.  John declared the Kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus declared it and demonstrated it. John 1:29  We are called to continue in Jesus footsteps, declaring and demonstrating the Kingdom of Heaven.  In fact, Jesus told us, 'greater things will you do!' John 14:12, Luke 10:19, Mark 16Preach this message and demonstrate it! Matthew 10:7

You may think you can't do what Jesus did and you are absolutely right; you can't... in your own strength!  That's why God sent His Holy Spirit to empower you. Acts 1:8  That way, you won't be able to take credit for the results because only by His Spirit will you be able to demonstrate His Power.

2 Timothy 3:1 clarifies the condition of our world and proves there is still something to do so unpack your bags!  You have a job to do!

Do You Know Who You Are?
The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is living in you!  You are no longer a slave but a son and an heir! Galatians 4:7  You are God's Ambassador 1 Corinthians 5:20 and you can do this!  As an Ambassador, all of your needs are met, everything is covered by the Kingdom. Matthew 6:25-34  You have been given everything you need 2 Peter 1:3 to do the work of helping people get back to the garden.  No more excuses!  Let's win the lost and get back to the garden!

CHALLENGEIf you feel like you have not been doing your part to forcefully advance the Kingdom of Heaven, take some time to review the scriptures in this week's message.  Pastor Dave really broke things down so that every believer can get a clear revelation of what God has done for them to equip them to advance the Kingdom.  It may be repentance or it may just be education but regardless of what has stopped you before, now you know.  Now you can play your part in seeing things return to how they are supposed to be!

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  1. What a great message. A lot of Christians think that after they meet Jesus, than all is done; time for them to go to heaven now. This is incorrect. God has amazing plans for our lives and wants us to help others find the greatest gift of Christ as well. In prayer, let's focus on what it is Gos wants us to do.

  2. Sunday was amazing. Pastor Dave, thank you for coming by to minister and breaking our old mindsets concerning, heaven and the Kingdom of God.

    I am going to carry what you taught with me forever! Changing my mind everyday for the Kingdom of God is near!
