Sunday, May 16, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Joshua

This week's service can be watched at

These things happened to them as examples for us.
Battle For Your Promise!
Life Lesson #1
God Has Promised It, We Have to Fight for it!

You won't possess your promises by just sitting there and waiting with your arms folded.  It may not always be easy to get to your promises; you may have to fight sometimes but that is not an indicator that the promise isn't the will of God.

Remember: The fight is fixed!  Read the back of the book... WE WIN!!

There are two main principles to possessing our promises:
  2. Our ACTIONS
Our attitude is to BE SUBMITTED! - Joshua 1:1
  • Serve Others Willingly
Joshua didn't serve because it was his profession; he served because it was his priviledge!  He didn't serve for a living; he served as a lifestyle!

In Exodus 24, Moses had Joshua come to the mountain with him and Joshua waited on the side of the mountain 40 days while Moses went up to be with God. That's more than a twelfth of the entire year that Joshua waited obediently!  Sometimes when you serve God you may find yourself serving on your own.  Don't short-circuit your promise by becoming impatient.

Joshua served Moses for over 40 years and knew Moses' shortcomings, yet Joshua didn't leave him to begin his own following. He didn't use his leader's faults as justification to 'do his own thing'. He didn't leave when the pressure was on or when he felt like he was abandoned or alone. Joshua stayed faithful and loyal in spite of everything he faced. That qualified Joshua to be a great leader!

Life Lesson #2
Serving Attracts God’s Attention & Releases God’s Promises

When you are faithful in your service to God and his delegated authorites, you position yourself to receive your promises. 
Obedience to God and His Word will bring your success.
  • Ignore God's Word - you have a mess
  • Obey God's word - you will have success!
When you follow the Word, success will follow you.
Life Lesson #3
Obedience is the Key Ingredient to Success

Our action is to BE STRONG & COURAGEOUS!Joshua 1:9

God commanded Joshua to Be Strong and Courageous.  The Lord knew that the battle would be longer and stronger than he expected.  When the battle is longer and stronger we cannot give up, we cannot get distracted.  God will bring victory over every challenge.  You cannot stop now!

Life Lesson #4
To Obtain Your Promise It’s Going to Take Strength & Courage!
Life Lesson #5

STRONG & COURAGEOUS - 'to be strong in body & in mind, to be resolved & focused'

Over and over again we see this repeated in the book of Joshua; God knew what it was going to take for Joshua to possess his promise and so He encouraged Joshua continually so he would not quit or give up before he possessed all of his promises.
Don’t Quit Until You Have Possessed Every Promise!
In Joshua 13:1 we read that Joshua was very old, but God encouraged him that there is still much to do! In the Kingdom economy, there is no age of retirement! There are many promises God has yet for you to possess and you are not called to stop until you have possessed them ALL!  When you die, it will either be because you have possessed all your promises or you have quit before your time.
God has not delivered you from your Egypt only for you to get to the entrance of your promise and be unable to access it.  Possessing your promises is what true victory really is.  Remember that your victory is God's priority.

CHALLENGEThe very fact that you are still alive is evidence that there are promises from God that you have yet to possess.  Recall each of these promises; now commit yourself to fighting, serving, obeying, being strong and courageous and never quit until you have entered into every promise God has for you!

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  1. Another powerful message in season. God has great promises for your life. God is not a man that he should lie; they will all come to pass if you don't give up. Serving is key to possessing our promises. What is your attitude and what are your actions when going through difficult times? Your present response will determine your future success. Act wisely.

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words written about Joshua as being the next leader for the Children of Israel. It is very hard for me as being a leader for God's people and being a woman at that. It is not easy but like you said I will not quit until I have posess all of God's Promises for me. Again, thank you.
