Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wisdom from Proverbs for Relationships

There are Friendships That Can MAKE You or Friendships That Can BREAK You!


  1. FAKERSProverbs 29:5
    There is a difference between a compliment and flattery.  Motive Is The Key.  When someone pays a compliment, the motive is about others; they aren’t looking for anything in return.  When someone flatters, the motive is about themselves; they have ulterior motives.  It’s ok to be nice, but don’t put people in a vice.
  2. TAKERSProverbs 19:6,7
    Many will entreat the favor of a liberal man, and every man is a friend to him who gives gifts. All the brothers of a poor man detest him - how much more do his friends go far from him! He pursues them with words, but they are gone.
  3. SQUAWKERSProverbs 22:24
    These people are often critical.  WARNING: They phrase it nice but it’s Dangerous & Contagious!  Quarantine relationships that have squawkers.
  4. TALKERSProverbs 16:28; 20:19
    Stay away from people who talk too much!  Fools Will Be Found Meddling Proverbs 20:3CAUTION: Those who talk WITH YOU about OTHERS will talk WITH OTHERS about YOU.
  1. TRUSTWORTHYProverbs 20:6
    FAITHFUL means Trustworthy  LIFE LESSON: Loyal people are not necessarily trustworthy people – BUT – Trustworthy people are loyal people. They have your best interest at heart!
  2. DEPENDABLEProverbs 17:17
    LOVE means Dependable, Steady, Constant
  3. ENCOURAGERSProverbs 27:9
    HEARTFELT means Sincere words that bring life.  We need to be people who bring sweet words of encouragement, even in the midst of a bad atmosphere.
  4. WISEProverbs 13:20
    WISE means Give Careful Thoughts To Your Words & Actions
2 characteristics of WISE people:
  1. They seek to please God and not other people. Do we want to be people-pleasers or God-pleasers?
  2. A wise person considers other people before themselves - Proverbs 12:26
CHALLENGE: Proverbs 12:26 tells us, 'The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.'  We need to use wisdom in choosing our friends, but first, we need to BE a good friend.  Do I make people better people and better believers as a result of their being around me?  Am I building people up with my words?  Can people rely on me?  Am I a giver, not looking for something in return?  We need to be trustworthy people of character.

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