Giving shows God is first place in your life, not money. God's nature is that of a giver. Giving is a process to release prosperity into your life. As We Increase Our Giving, It Increases Our Capacity for Receiving - Luke 6:38 "...the amount you give will determine the amount you get back."
WHAT IS GOD’S WAY? “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.”
Proverbs 11:24 NKJV - To walk in increase we must release!
WITHHOLD means “accumulation that is carefully guarded, to hoard” - Having stuff does not mean you have provision!
- Hoarding is a Self-Preservation mentality
- Hoarding prevents giving
- Hoarding is based in fear
- Hoarding prevents giving.
There is Wisdom in Preparation but NOT at the expense of OBEDIENT Giving!!!
POVERTY means “insufficiency or lack of necessities” - WHEN YOU HOLD BACK – YOU LIVE IN LACK!
SCATTER means “to disperse or sow”. Plant the seed and pray for the harvest! The seed only GROWS when someone SOWS. Tithing and Giving doesn’t affect your salvation but it does affect your blessing as you walk in obedience to God’s Word! Sowing always precedes reaping. Our motive for giving is not to get more stuff.
- We love God
- We want other people to be blessed
- We are blessed to be a blessing!
- We don’t want to consume all we have on ourselves Acts 20:35 “…It is more blessed to give than receive” - JESUS
“There is one who scatters, yet INCREASES more…”
- Hold Tightly - Have Less
- Give Freely - Gain More
BE GENEROUS & PROSPER! - Proverbs 11:25 says "A Generous Person will Prosper…"
What You Keep is ALL You Have, What You GIVE Multiplies. John Wesley said "Earn all you can, give all you can, then save all you can."
At HWC we are known as "The Friendly People" and that's good; now let's trust God and covenant to be generous on all occassions so that we become known as "The Friendly, Generous People".