Sunday, November 21, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Timothy

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Phil 2:19-24

Important Things We Can Learn From The Life of Timothy

LIFE LESSON #1: You Determine Your Reputation With God & With Others

Your actions determine your reputation.  What do you want to be known for by those around you and by God?  Timothy stood out in the crowd.  Paul said, "I have no one like Timothy!"  Do you stand out in the house of God; in  your neighbourhood; in your workplace?  What's your reputation in your sphere of influence?

LIFE LESSON #2: While Many Are Trying To Fit In, We Need To Try To Stand Out!

Don't try to be like anyone else!  Stand out because of what's on the inside, not the outside.  Paul didn't talk about Timothy's outward achievements or accomplishments. He said Timothy was sincere, humble, faithful and hard-working!

LIFE LESSON #3: It’s Not About WHAT You’ve Done, But WHO You Become

Timothy's character was such that he could be counted on!  His character stood out.  Remember though that your character will be tested.  Don't take the position, "Everyone else is doing it..."  Timothy had a sincere love for and took a genuine interest in others;
“...who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.” 
We live in a generation that says, "Me First!"  We will move mountains to get what we want; to reach our goals. Philippians 2:20

LIFE LESSON #4: We Should Develop An Attitude that says, “AFTER YOU.”

We need to learn how to say, "You First!"  We need to help our neighbours.  We need to prefer others before ourselves. Romans 12:10  You will grow strong through testing - “But you know Timothy has proved himself” Philippians 2:22 .  The word 'PROVED' means, 'To be approved after being tested'.  Timothy went through some stuff before he was approved.  We need to be tough enough to make it through the stuff!

LIFE LESSON #5: The Blessing Comes After The Testing!

You may have people and situations opposing you - don't run from it; don't give up; stand strong in the test because after the testing there will be a blessing!  Timothy served as a son - “As a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel” Philippians 2:22Timothy wasn't just hired help.  He was like a son.  He could be talked to without getting offended.  In Timothy's culture, the son was virtually 'an apprentice'.  It was expected that things would get better from generation to generation.

LIFE LESSON #6: The Goal Is Not Simply To Have Success, But To Have A Successor

Paul was reproducing himself in Timothy.  Timothy allowed Paul's influence to mature him.  How are you influencing those around you?  Who will be your successor?  Your goal should be that you would influence everyone around you for the glory of God and raise up successors!  Our outside perception should match our inside reality - the world needs to see the character of Christ in us!  Make those around you better because they knew you, spent time with you and were influenced by you.  Change the environment and create successors.

LIFE LESSON #7: We All Influence People; Let’s Influence Them for Eternity

As God deals with our heart, it manifests visibly in our life!

CHALLENGEWhen people spend time with you, do they leave having been influenced by you in a godly way?  Do people want to be like you or have what you have?  Things like being humble, having peace, filled with joy, compassion & understanding and not being judgemental.  Do you have the heart of God and your Pastors?  Are you being poured into so you can pour into others?  Get with God this week and tell Him you are ready to sit under the mentor he sends to you, whether it be your Pastor or a Life Group Leader.  Tell him that you will submit to the influence of His Man or Woman of God so that you too will be able to have influence over others who he sends to submit under you.  So, if somebody followed you, where would they end up?

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  1. A lot of people want to do great things for God, but aren't willing to do the process.
    Timothy proved himself, and Paul acknowledged him as a son. A faithful servant who could be trusted. Get planted under your spiritual father and watch what God will do in your life.

  2. I was reflecting on the amount of things revealed based on the life of Timothy, just because someone was willing to be submitted to leadership and a Father. Amazing.
