"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11 Have you ever felt like you were trying to do things on your own?
Have you ever felt like it would be nice to get a little help?
Have you ever felt like you pray but God isn't hearing your prayers?
Have you ever felt like saying, "What's the use, there is nothing more I can do?"
In the whole bible there are only about 25 verses that refer to Martha, yet most have heard about her.
Martha will be one of those who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven because she served without agenda. (Luke 22:26)
Many people serve only when they get something from it; they have an agenda that benefits them. "If I get benefit, I serve", but that's working towards a goal, not serving. That does not get eternal reward. Martha understood the value of serving! Martha chose to serve willingly. She welcomed strangers into her home. The word 'welcomed' means "to show hospitality, to receive strangers in a friendly, generous way." True hospitality goes beyond ourselves and our circle of friends. It is what a believer is supposed to do.
LIFE LESSON - Hospitality is not an event but an EVERYDAY LIFESTYLE! - Luke 10:38
Hospitality is not just an action - it's an attitude that requires action. Hospitality is at the very core of our belief system.
Why is hospitality so important: because it displays two foundational Christ-like characteristics - 'Loving' and 'Serving'. These two characteristics are absolutely essential in the lives of believers; not one or the other but both characteristics in our lives! The Word summarizes it as "Love God - love others". Hospitality demonstrates love to those around us. The principle of washing feet is to serve others. Since we don't have a culture of sandals and dirty feet, we have lost the understanding of the requirement to serve in today's culture. Serving is a foundational principle in the Kingdom of God.
Hospitality creates an atmosphere where strangers feel accepted, included and loved. We need to create an atmosphere of hospitality in both the church and in our homes. If you feel it's not your personality, then change your personality to be Christ-like.
The challenge is this: We need people to see the word before they hear the Word. Some people will not hear your words until they see you live out your words. Sometimes we try to share with people but what we are sharing doesn't line up with our life. People will understand what you are saying only when they have seen you walking it out. Don't cop out with the excuse that you don't say anything because you aren't perfect and therefore can't demonstrate hospitality. Work on your character while you are sharing. Then your words will have more authority. People need to see that there is something unique or different about you; a distinction that is obvious before you ever pull out a bible. We want to give people something to become like. If they don't see a difference in you then there is nothing in them that will change, there is no need for them to change.
"Let people see the Word in you before they read the Word!"
Here's the challenge: If we are not hospitable, people will never be able to really closely read your life because they don't really know you. Being hospitable opens the doors to opportunities for them to know you and for you to share. You've earned the right to share through loving and serving, being hospitable. Martha willingly opened her home to Jesus and his many disciples (Luke 10:40-41) so she knew that there would be lots to do. It was inconvenient but she did it because hospitality was integrated into her lifestyle.
Martha was distracted with her serving and when she saw Mary worshipping Jesus, it bothered her to the point where she interrupted Jesus and said "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." Because Martha was strong in serving, she was distracted by those around her who weren't serving. Here is a caution - when we choose to practice hospitality and to serve, we need to be careful not to focus on others.
LIFE LESSON - Don’t let someone else’s actions become a distraction to your assignment - Luke 10:40
It's interesting to note that Jesus didn't tell Mary to stop receiving and He also didn't tell Martha to stop serving; He identified Martha's problem of worrying. We don't need to get all worked up and then just stop serving when we see others not serving. We need to allow our character to be formed in these times. Keep serving; keep being hospitable; keep caring for others. We've got to learn to serve and receive at the same time. We need to have His peace and His presence together at the same time. This is not a rebuke to Martha for serving but a challenge to do so in the presence of God.
LIFE LESSON - In the middle of chaos, Christ-likeness shines the brightest!
The more you stay at peace in His presence, the more His character shines out of you and is attractive to those around you who are not at peace.
John 11:14-27 Lazarus dies and Mary runs to meet Jesus. Here you see two different responses from these two ladies. Mary, the one who sat at Jesus feet and received, is upset because Lazarus has died. When Jesus arrives at Bethany, Mary stays home with the attitude of, "what's the use? It's too late, he's already died and Jesus did nothing!" But Martha's attitude is, 'It may look like its too late but no matter what, Jesus is the answer; it might look hopeless but Jesus is the answer.'
LIFE LESSON - Jesus comes in the right time, just not in OUR time - John 11:21
Sometimes we want pre-packaged miracles that are ready in minutes. But we have to trust him and believe that He is still in control.
John 11:15 What appeared to be the end for Lazarus was not the end, only an opportunity for a miracle. We must trust Jesus in the process. Don't look at the moment. Martha has changed; her next statement was, "But... even now I know that whatever You ask from God, He will grant it to You!"
John 11:39-40 Lazarus had been dead for four days and Jesus instruct them to open the tomb; Martha said that by this point Lazarus would be stinking. Your situation might stink but Jesus knows what He's doing.
LIFE LESSON - Even when things stink - you are on the brink of your miracle - John 11:39
Martha went from being a worrier to being a warrior! It's time to learn and turn it around! It's time to trust God! CHALLENGE: Are you a hospitable person? Have you been serving out of what you have received while in His presence? Do people see God in you because hospitality is part of your DNA? If you want to make a difference in your world and win the lost, you need to be hospitable. You need to love and serve people out of a pure, hospitable heart. The reward of a servant is to be great in heaven, not necessarily on the earth. Let people see your great God operating in your life through your hospitality and then you will be able to introduce Him to them and it will make an eternal difference for both them and for you.
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