Sunday, December 12, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Mary, Jesus' Mother

This week's service can be watched at

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11
Today's Scripture Text: Luke 1:26-56
Today We Are Looking At The Life of Mary, Jesus' Mother.  What Took Mary’s Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary?
If there was anyone who was average, it was Mary.  We first hear about her when she is 15 years old and it was one of the most exciting times in her life.  It was normal in that culture, for a 15 year old girl to get married.
Suddenly God steps in and says to Mary, "I have better plans for you!"
LIFE LESSON #1: You May Have Plans, But God Has BIGGER Plans!
  1. Character - vs. 30
FOUND FAVOUR - 'one's character is discovered and has attracted blessings.'
Mary made a choice to have godly character and it attracted God's Favour.  The Angel declared "God has seen your character and it has attracted His blessing.”
LIFE LESSON #2: We Don’t Live A Godly Life Because We Are Blessed By God; We Are Blessed By God Because We Live A Godly Life!
The blessing came on Mary's live simply because she desired to please God.
Seek God - His Favour Will Follow
  1. Commitment - vs. 38
Mary had committed herself to God.
SERVANT - 'one who gives himself up wholly to another’s will'
Mary was His servant.  She said 'yes', no strings attached.
LIFE LESSON #3: When We Choose To Submit OUR Life, We Choose to Permit HIS Will!
We have to let go of our own will.  Some of us are strong-willed - and not only the outspoken ones.  Are you willing to say, 'not my will but thine be done'Saying 'Yes' to God will come at a high cost.  Mary being committed to God and being with child (out of wedlock) came at a high cost!
LIFE LESSON #4 When You Say “YES” to God Others Will Be Blessed.
CHALLENGE: Will You Say “YES” At Any Cost?
LIFE LESSON #5 Don’t Go To Just Anybody – Go To Somebody Who Has Wisdom & Faith
  1. Continual Praise - vs. 46-47
LIFE LESSON #6 “In All Things Give God Praise”
When you are in the midst of a problem, let praise rise up within you.
CHALLENGEWhen you are committed to God, He will use you.  But it won't necessarily happen the way you expected.  Your commitment will be tested.  Those around you won't have necessarily heard from God as you have.  A committed person says 'YES'; a committed person continues to praise Him - to rejoice in Him.  Even when those around you may not understand what God has said and is doing with you, stay committed and continue to say with Mary, "Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!".
God, I am committing myself to develop godly character; I will lift up a praise when things get challenging while doing your will!

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Monday, December 06, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Joseph, Jesus' Step-Father

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Matthew 1:18-25
  • Have you been in a dilemma you can't solve?
  • Have you ever had a situation where you weren't 100% sure how to handle it the right way?
  • Has someone ever let you down?
  • Have you ever felt alone and didn't understand what's happening?
Then today's message is for you!

Today We Are Looking At The Life of Joseph, Jesus' Step-Father

Joseph was not just part of the supporting cast - he was hand-picked by God to handle the task of raising Jesus!  So what kind of man did God choose to raise His only son?  The qualities He saw in Joseph, He is looking for in every believer.
  1. Righteousness - vs. 19

    RIGHTEOUS - 'desiring to observe the Laws of God'.  Righteousness is a characteristic of God.  The Word does not say that Joseph 'became' a righteous man; it says he 'was' a righteous man. The Bible records that Joseph was LISTENING and Not Speaking! It had nothing to do with what he said and everything to do with how he lived.

    CHALLENGE: If you never spoke a word, what message would you give to those around you?

    LIFE LESSON #1: God’s Not Listening for Rhetoric - but Looking for RighteousnessRighteous is not based on your ability to debate or persuade.

  2. Slow to Act - vs. 20

    The text says, 'Joseph considered this' - What was Joseph considering?  He was
    considering that he didn't want to shame Mary!  Wow!  Now that's character!  How would we have responded in the same situation?

    CONSIDER - 'To Deliberate, to Carefully Weigh One’s Actions'

    LIFE LESSON #2: When you are Slow to React, You Will Stay On Track.

    When situations don't go right, we need to be careful not to react, but to stop and patiently think through the situation. Passionate people need to learn not to be impetuous - while keeping their passion.

  3. Quick to Obey - vs. 24

    In Matthew 1:20, God spoke to Joseph through an angel, but in Matthew 2:13-15 and Matthew 2:19-21 God spoke to Joseph through a dream.  Either way, God spoke and Joseph obeyed.  It would have been easy for Joseph to make excuses or come up with his own interpretation of the dream, but because of his character, he obeyed God.

    We Don’t Live By "What Feels Good, Do It!"; We Live by "What God Says, DO IT!"

    Joseph had an assignment to impact lives.  The same holds true for all believers.  People's lives are impacted by how we live. 
    Live Right - Follow God's Word!  Joseph had character that counts!  Character that allowed him to trust God!  Your life can be an open book when you have the character that Joseph had.
CHALLENGEIf you never spoke a word, what message would your life give to those around you?  If there was a 'wiki-leak' on your life and the things you did in private were exposed, would you have some things to answer for; would it destroy you and your witness?  If you could never speak another word, would your life lead people to Christ; to God's mercy & grace?  Ask God to help you to bring glory and honour to Him through your life, both in public and in private.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of John The Baptist

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Matthew 3:1-12

What Made John The Baptist Great Was…
  1. CALL (Luke 1:15-17)
Before you were formed, God knew you and He has great plans for your life!  There is a call on your life just like the call on John the Baptist's life.

LIFE LESSON #1: God's Got a Great Call... For Us All
It was not always easy, but John obeyed God.  It wasn't convenient but John obeyed God.

LIFE LESSON #2: The World Measures Greatness By Achievement; God Measures Greatness By Obedience!

When someone has mastered obeying God completely, then they are great in God's eyes.  John did everything God told him to do.  What he wore, what he ate... John understood crucifying the flesh.  He understood that this was about total commitment and not about him.  Sometimes obedience requires inconvenience!  We can't have a half-hearted commitment and expect a whole-hearted blessing!  Commitment is a two-way street!

LIFE LESSON #3: To Fulfill God's Call, We Have To Give Our All!
Religious rulers and leaders of the day like Herod, came to hear what he had to say.  But he didn't try to work those relationships for his own benefit.  in fact, John rebuked Herod and told him to repent. Luke 3:19  John wasn't willing to compromise the message or his

LIFE LESSON #4: We Need to be More Concerned with What God Wants From Us, Than What Men Think

It's more important what God wants than what people want.
People were coming by the thousands to hear John.  Some even asked if he was the Messiah.  John's pride could have gotten the best of him.  When God uses you, you can't allow that to make you think more highly of yourself than you ought.  God wants to use you but he doesn't need you.  He can raise up another at any time.

LIFE LESSON #5: Our Humility Should Never Give Way to Popularity - Matthew 3:11

John's humility caused him to realize he was merely a vessel God was working through.  Weneed to put our pride aside.  Pride is the enemy's #1 tactic to get us off track and into sin.  The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in all believers - so there is no room for spiritual pride.  You are not better than another, just because of your assignment.  There will always be one who comes along with a greater assignment than yours.
John's purpose was not to draw people to himself; 'another is coming after me...'; his whole purpose was to announce the coming of Jesus.  John was the launching point of Jesus' ministry.  When Jesus started baptising, John's disciples went to John and complained.  John had to explain to them that this Jesus is the very one he was preaching about that was coming.  Don't miss the point and miss Jesus because of your pride.

LIFE LESSON #6: Our PURPOSE: Is to Point People to Christ

We are never to draw people to ourselves.  Our purpose is always to draw people to Christ.  John said, "I must decrease that he might increase"  This from a man that Jesus called great.

CHALLENGEWe must decrease so that Jesus would increase in and through us.  This way, the world will see a reflection of Christ in us and not be distracted by us.  Christ in you is their hope of glory.  There is a call on our lives that requires commitment and courage.  We must be clothed in humility to decrease and when we are Christ-focused, He will increase.  Make sure that when people look at you, they see Jesus and not you.  Christ is attractive to all who see Him in His true light.  Allow that light to shine through clearly.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Timothy

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Phil 2:19-24

Important Things We Can Learn From The Life of Timothy

LIFE LESSON #1: You Determine Your Reputation With God & With Others

Your actions determine your reputation.  What do you want to be known for by those around you and by God?  Timothy stood out in the crowd.  Paul said, "I have no one like Timothy!"  Do you stand out in the house of God; in  your neighbourhood; in your workplace?  What's your reputation in your sphere of influence?

LIFE LESSON #2: While Many Are Trying To Fit In, We Need To Try To Stand Out!

Don't try to be like anyone else!  Stand out because of what's on the inside, not the outside.  Paul didn't talk about Timothy's outward achievements or accomplishments. He said Timothy was sincere, humble, faithful and hard-working!

LIFE LESSON #3: It’s Not About WHAT You’ve Done, But WHO You Become

Timothy's character was such that he could be counted on!  His character stood out.  Remember though that your character will be tested.  Don't take the position, "Everyone else is doing it..."  Timothy had a sincere love for and took a genuine interest in others;
“...who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.” 
We live in a generation that says, "Me First!"  We will move mountains to get what we want; to reach our goals. Philippians 2:20

LIFE LESSON #4: We Should Develop An Attitude that says, “AFTER YOU.”

We need to learn how to say, "You First!"  We need to help our neighbours.  We need to prefer others before ourselves. Romans 12:10  You will grow strong through testing - “But you know Timothy has proved himself” Philippians 2:22 .  The word 'PROVED' means, 'To be approved after being tested'.  Timothy went through some stuff before he was approved.  We need to be tough enough to make it through the stuff!

LIFE LESSON #5: The Blessing Comes After The Testing!

You may have people and situations opposing you - don't run from it; don't give up; stand strong in the test because after the testing there will be a blessing!  Timothy served as a son - “As a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel” Philippians 2:22Timothy wasn't just hired help.  He was like a son.  He could be talked to without getting offended.  In Timothy's culture, the son was virtually 'an apprentice'.  It was expected that things would get better from generation to generation.

LIFE LESSON #6: The Goal Is Not Simply To Have Success, But To Have A Successor

Paul was reproducing himself in Timothy.  Timothy allowed Paul's influence to mature him.  How are you influencing those around you?  Who will be your successor?  Your goal should be that you would influence everyone around you for the glory of God and raise up successors!  Our outside perception should match our inside reality - the world needs to see the character of Christ in us!  Make those around you better because they knew you, spent time with you and were influenced by you.  Change the environment and create successors.

LIFE LESSON #7: We All Influence People; Let’s Influence Them for Eternity

As God deals with our heart, it manifests visibly in our life!

CHALLENGEWhen people spend time with you, do they leave having been influenced by you in a godly way?  Do people want to be like you or have what you have?  Things like being humble, having peace, filled with joy, compassion & understanding and not being judgemental.  Do you have the heart of God and your Pastors?  Are you being poured into so you can pour into others?  Get with God this week and tell Him you are ready to sit under the mentor he sends to you, whether it be your Pastor or a Life Group Leader.  Tell him that you will submit to the influence of His Man or Woman of God so that you too will be able to have influence over others who he sends to submit under you.  So, if somebody followed you, where would they end up?

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Paul

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Acts 9:1-19

Important Things We Can Learn From The Life of Paul

LIFE LESSON #1: An Encounter with Jesus Will Change your life!

When you encounter Jesus, you will witness sickness, disease, death, even your past, leave you.  One encounter with Christ and you will be completely transformed!  In a moment your past can be erased.  It's personal.

Jesus considered Paul’s actions against the church as being against Him personally. – Acts 9:4-5

Life Lesson #2: How We Treat Other Believers Is How We are Treating Christ

So, how have you been treating Christ this week?  How you've been treating other believers is the answer to how you've been treating Christ.  If you act differently when the Pastor or your Life Group leader are around, you should really be more concerned with Jesus, who is always around.  Instead of hearing Jesus ask you why you are persecuting him, you should want to hear Him say, 'Thanks for taking care of me.'  When we encounter Jesus, things have to change.

God sends mature, Godly people into our lives to help direct and guide us. – Acts 9:10-17

Life Lesson #3: We All Need Mature, Godly Counsel

If you heard from God, then you will have no problem submitting it to Godly council for confirmation.  Paul didn't submit to whom he wanted, but God sent Ananias, a mature leader, to bring confirmation and teaching to Paul.  What did Ananias do before he was sent to Paul?  No one really knows.  Ananias wasn't famous like many of the other disciples, but he must have been a faithful man of God, for God to use him to pour into Paul!  You don't have to be famous for God to use you, just faithful!  When you are faithful, God will use you to strengthen others in the Lord.  As we receive mature, godly counsel, God will raise us up to give mature, godly counsel!

"Those who have become my sons, I am sending to you Timothy"

Those who are sent have the same heart and Spirit as the leader of the house.  1 Corinthians 4:17 (Timothy); Philemon 1:10 (Onesimus)

Following Christ means an Abundant Life, Not an Easy Life! – Acts 9:16

"Go and tell Paul he will have all these things, but he will also suffer."  Many believers think once they come to Christ they won't have any challenges.  Expect battles but expect to win.  Paul's life was a series of challenges.  How we respond will determine the outcome.  Paul was content in every situation.  Under house arrest people got saved, in prison his praise breaks the chains that bind.  Even the jailer came to know Christ with his entire family.  He writes letters of encouragement to the complaining church after having been flogged and imprisoned once again.  What would we do in these circumstances?  We need to make the best of every situation!

Life Lesson #4: In the Midst of Adversity, Don’t Focus on Your Problems!

Life Lesson #5: You Will Have Problems – Just Don’t Let Your Problems Have You!

Don't focus on the problem, focus on the problem solver!  Trust God that He will bring you through, because He will!  What do we do with the challenges when they come.  2 Corinthians 11:24-12:10

The Lord’s Strength is enough for You!

"My grace is sufficient for you!"

2 Corinthians 12:9
  Don't let the challenges make you give up - His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness!  When I am weak, He is strong!  The word 'Grace' means 'strength to sustain'.  His grace is enough...  His grace is good enough...  His grace is sufficient... for you!

CHALLENGEHave you had an encounter with Jesus; not just a simple prayer to receive him but an encounter where your life has been transformed?  Saul thought he knew about Jesus, but when he encountered Jesus personally in the midst of persecuting him, Saul was transformed... so much so that even his name was changed!  When God transforms you, He always confirms the encounter by sending a mature, godly leader to mentor you.  Who are you being mentored by?  Is it your Pastor or one sent by your Pastor?  Did you choose your mentor; do you even have a mentor?  Godly counsel sent by God to you will teach you that you shouldn't focus on your problems but on the Grace of God which is the strength you need when you are too weak to deal with those problems.  Get a hold of God's 'strength to sustain' today and allow God to develop you and then send you to mentor others.

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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Stephen

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Acts 6:1-15

Stephen came on the scene when the church was exploding. He was involved and helping in the local church. He was not an Apostle or Pastor, but a deacon - one who served tables.  Stephen even had influence on the Apostle Paul. Stephen is one we need to emulate and imitate. The Apostles didn't try to do it all - serve and preach. It would be too much for them. They knew they needed help, so they agreed to appoint seven people to help get the work of the ministry done.  They laid hands on Stephen and blessed him to serve. Not as a Pastor or a Missionary, but a servant.

Serve "FaithFULL" Acts 6:1-7 - 'Full of faith'

Stephen lived full of faith, as a deacon.  He was launched into serving and the church grew.  When you meet the people's needs, the church will grow!

ACTION: Godly people serve the people - Apostles increase prayer & preaching.  The Apostles had to be free to do what they were called to do.  The results were greater because of people like Stephen who were helping to serve.  Every person has an assignment.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might"  Did the action hurt the ministry? Absolutely not!  They understood that everyone has an assignment.  And the results were that the Word of God spread and the disciples increased!

LIFE LESSON #1: When the leadership serves 'faithFULL' then the church grows rapidly.

It's not enough to pray for growth.  We have to be prepared to care for the household of faith.  When you do your part, it causes the church to grow.  People in the local church where Stephen served were full of faith and serving faithfully.  You may ask, "Why do you have to be full of faith just to serve?"  As those who served did so, they were speaking with people.  Not complaining; not whining that he should have a greater position.  "I'm just saying..."  or other comments that would impede the growth of the church.  Fussy people - even nice fussy people - hinder the growth of the church.  They tell four people who tell another four people each and the gossip spreads - and hinders the growth of the church.  Build the people up as you communicate while you serve.  If you serve in faith, your faith will spill out of you and influence those you serve.  Influence doesn't just come from the pulpit.  You influence people with your words and your actions.  You must serve faithful and faithfully.  The seven who were appointed to serve were FULL of the Holy Spirit.

Serve "PrayerFULL" Acts 6:5 - Full means 'having a full measure'.

Don't have just enough Holy Ghost.  Don't compare with anyone else.  Get full of the Holy Ghost yourself.  Give those you serve the clear, fresh and refreshing drink of the Holy Ghost, not tainted or mixed with anything unholy.

LIFE LESSON #2: When you are FULL of the Holy Spirit, You can’t be full of yourself.

When someone is full of the Holy Ghost, they talk about how good God is; you leave impressed with God, not the person.  Focus is on God when you are full of the Holy Ghost.  It doesn't mean you are perfect, but it does mean you are submitted.  And that means you need to spend time in His presence; at the beginning of each day and throughout the day.

Serve "PowerFULL" Acts 6:8 - "And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people"

We need to live a life full of Faith, Holy Spirit, Grace & Power.  God's power then flows through us to make an impact on people's lives.  Serving is a great way to see miracles released.  When you see and learn of a need, you release your faith into the lives of those in need.

LIFE LESSON #3: When you live FULL, expect miracles, signs & wonders.

Expect that when you serve, you will see miracles, signs and wonders.  1 John 2:20 - We all have 'an anointing from the Holy One...' but there will be those who come against us.

LIFE LESSON #4: When God is working through you, you can expect some opposition.

Stand BOLDly Acts 6:12-15 - Stephen was stoned to death

Paul (called Saul at the time) stood there watching as they stoned Stephen to death.  He supported what was happening.  Some think that if you have great faith you won't have opposition.  In fact, your faith is there to help you respond to opposition with God's grace.  Stephen's example both in living and in dying impacted Paul's life.  In fact so much so that the first message Paul preached was the same message Stephen was preaching when he was stoned.  Paul actually started where Stephen left off and finished Stephen's message! WOW!!

LIFE LESSON #5: When the world tries to shake your faith; let your faith shake the world!

Stephen prayed for those persecuting him and Paul heard this.  It affected Paul - it influenced Paul - it shook Paul's world.

Acts 8:4 - The persecution that the church was experiencing at this time caused it to be scattered.  The scattering turned out to be a good thing because it took the message of the gospel out to the rest of the world.

LIFE LESSON #6: When walking through persecution it releases greater reward.

CHALLENGEThe church is supposed to be growing.  Is what you are doing on a daily basis playing a role in local church growth?  What are you waiting on to happen before you decide to serve the local church body?  God wants to work through you to release miracles, signs and wonders.  Step up - there is so much to do - get involved in serving in the local church.  The Pastor can't do it all.  The leadership team is not big enough to meet every need.  The growth of the church is hindered while believers watch
without taking action.  As you listen to the voice of God and step out, God will use you to make a difference in people's lives.  You will be credited eternally with helping the church grow and those you set the example for will be given a real model that they too can follow.

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Martha

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11
Today's Scripture Text: Luke 10:38-42
  • Have you ever felt like you were trying to do things on your own?
  • Have you ever felt like it would be nice to get a little help?
  • Have you ever felt like you pray but God isn't hearing your prayers?
  • Have you ever felt like saying, "What's the use, there is nothing more I can do?"
In the whole bible there are only about 25 verses that refer to Martha, yet most have heard about her.
  • Martha followed Jesus
  • She opened the doors of her home to Jesus & the disciples
  • Martha's life was marked by serving
Martha will be one of those who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven because she served without agenda. (Luke 22:26)

Many people serve only when they get something from it; they have an agenda that benefits them.  "If I get benefit, I serve", but that's working towards a goal, not serving.  That does not get eternal reward.  Martha understood the value of serving!  Martha chose to serve willingly.  She welcomed strangers into her home.  The word 'welcomed' means "to show hospitality, to receive strangers in a friendly, generous way."  True hospitality goes beyond ourselves and our circle of friends.  It is what a believer is supposed to do.

LIFE LESSON - Hospitality is not an event but an EVERYDAY LIFESTYLE! -  Luke 10:38

Hospitality is not just an action - it's an attitude that requires action.  Hospitality is at the very core of our belief system.

Why is hospitality so important: because it displays two foundational Christ-like characteristics -  'Loving' and 'Serving'.  These two characteristics are absolutely essential in the lives of believers; not one or the other but both characteristics in our lives!  The Word summarizes it as "Love God - love others".  Hospitality demonstrates love to those around us.  The principle of washing feet is to serve others.  Since we don't have a culture of sandals and dirty feet, we have lost the understanding of the requirement to serve in today's culture.  Serving is a foundational principle in the Kingdom of God.

Hospitality creates an atmosphere where strangers feel accepted, included and loved.  We need to create an atmosphere of hospitality in both the church and in our homes.  If you feel it's not your personality, then change your personality to be Christ-like.

The challenge is this: We need people to see the word before they hear the Word.  Some people will not hear your words until they see you live out your words.  Sometimes we try to share with people but what we are sharing doesn't line up with our life.  People will understand what you are saying only when they have seen you walking it out.  Don't cop out with the excuse that you don't say anything because you aren't perfect and therefore can't demonstrate hospitality.  Work on your character while you are sharing.  Then your words will have more authority.  People need to see that there is something unique or different about you; a distinction that is obvious before you ever pull out a bible.  We want to give people something to become like.  If they don't see a difference in you then there is nothing in them that will change, there is no need for them to change.

"Let people see the Word in you before they read the Word!"

Here's the challenge: If we are not hospitable, people will never be able to really closely read your life because they don't really know you.  Being hospitable opens the doors to opportunities for them to know you and for you to share.  You've earned the right to share through loving and serving, being hospitable.  Martha willingly opened her home to Jesus and his many disciples (Luke 10:40-41) so she knew that there would be lots to do.  It was inconvenient but she did it because hospitality was integrated into her lifestyle.

Martha was distracted with her serving and when she saw Mary worshipping Jesus, it bothered her to the point where she interrupted Jesus and said "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."  Because Martha was strong in serving, she was distracted by those around her who weren't serving.  Here is a caution - when we choose to practice hospitality and to serve, we need to be careful not to focus on others.

LIFE LESSON - Don’t let someone else’s actions become a distraction to your assignment -  Luke 10:40

It's interesting to note that Jesus didn't tell Mary to stop receiving and He also didn't tell Martha to stop serving; He identified Martha's problem of worrying.  We don't need to get all worked up and then just stop serving when we see others not serving.  We need to allow our character to be formed in these times.  Keep serving; keep being hospitable; keep caring for others.  We've got to learn to serve and receive at the same time.  We need to have His peace and His presence together at the same time.  This is not a rebuke to Martha for serving but a challenge to do so in the presence of God.
LIFE LESSON - In the middle of chaos, Christ-likeness shines the brightest!

The more you stay at peace in His presence, the more His character shines out of you and is attractive to those around you who are not at peace.

John 11:14-27 Lazarus dies and Mary runs to meet Jesus.  Here you see two different responses from these two ladies.  Mary, the one who sat at Jesus feet and received, is upset because Lazarus has died.  When Jesus arrives at Bethany, Mary stays home with the attitude of, "what's the use?  It's too late, he's already died and Jesus did nothing!"  But Martha's attitude is, 'It may look like its too late but no matter what, Jesus is the answer; it might look hopeless but Jesus is the answer.'

LIFE LESSON - Jesus comes in the right time, just not in OUR time -  John 11:21

Sometimes we want pre-packaged miracles that are ready in minutes.  But we have to trust him and believe that He is still in control.

John 11:15
  What appeared to be the end for Lazarus was not the end, only an opportunity for a miracle.  We must trust Jesus in the process.  Don't look at the moment.  Martha has changed; her next statement was, "But... even now I know that whatever You ask from God, He will grant it to You!"

John 11:39-40 Lazarus had been dead for four days and Jesus instruct them to open the tomb; Martha said that by this point Lazarus would be stinking.  Your situation might stink but Jesus knows what He's doing.

LIFE LESSON - Even when things stink - you are on the brink of your miracle -  John 11:39

Martha went from being a worrier to being a warrior!  It's time to learn and turn it around!  It's time to trust God!
CHALLENGEAre you a hospitable person?  Have you been serving out of what you have received while in His presence?  Do people see God in you because hospitality is part of your DNA?  If you want to make a difference in your world and win the lost, you need to be hospitable.  You need to love and serve people out of a pure, hospitable heart.  The reward of a servant is to be great in heaven, not necessarily on the earth.  Let people see your great God operating in your life through your hospitality and then you will be able to introduce Him to them and it will make an eternal difference for both them and for you.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

God Will Take Care of You By Himself - Bishop Wesley Dear

This week's service can be watched at

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Elijah was a man like us subject to the passions we are.  It is worth noting that Elijah lived his life always putting confidence in God.  In many cases, the church of today has reduced its reliance on God and placed it more on things like technology and giftings.  The bible tells us 'The just shall live by faith.' Romans 1:17; and 'Without faith it is impossible to please Him...' Hebrews 11:6Elijah said 'The rain won't fall until I say so.' 1 Kings 17:1  It was the beginning of an economic downturn.  No rain meant no harvests.  In this season, it was also a time of supernatural miracles.  God sends Elijah to the brook and commands the ravens to feed him.  When God is getting ready to bless you, He never begs; He commands people to bless you! 

After a while, the brook dried up and Elijah left that place.  Because God had commanded the raven, it kept feeding.  But He hadn't commanded the brook, so eventually, it dried up.  It was because of the dried up brook that Elijah left.  Where Elijah went, God commanded a woman to feed him.  If a raven would feed Elijah by God's command, surely He would feed him by the woman.  The widow woman didn't believe there was enough to feed him, but Elijah encouraged her in God.  "Bake me a cake first..." 1 Kings 17:13  Instead of eating the only food she had left and was holding in her hand, she sowed sacrificially in response to the request of the man of God; she didn't eat her seed but rather sowed it.  Because of her sacrificial gift in a time of economic downturn, God provided for her and her family for many days, even during a recession.  Has the church today mistaken their seed for their harvest? 

God is working both on and through the faith of Elijah and the woman's faith.  Their faith is now greater than it was before.  They understood that man's faith in God will produce every time, not because we have faith but because God is faithful!  The enemy wants you to believe God is not faithful.  You need to recognize that your faith has enemies.  These are some enemies that will come against your faith:
  • Doubt
  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Intimidation
  • Disappointment
How are we to respond to these enemies?  In the midst of her faith growing, the widow woman's son gets ill and dies.  Her faith is being attacked.  She is compelled to question God's faithfulness.  Even in her questioning, Elijah prays for her dead boy and he comes back to life.  Elijah presents him to her alive.  Both of their faiths are now restored and increased.  The widow woman now comes to know Jehovah Jireh, her provider, as Jehovah Rapha, her healer.

In 1 Kings 18, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal and destroys them and their works.  Then in 1 Kings 19, Jezebel threatens Elijah and he begins getting fearful, stressed, discouraged and filled with doubt.  Now Jezebel is long dead, but her spirit still lives, even in the church.  The spirit of Jezebel (witchcraft) disrespects authority.  It manipulates.  And the problem is, it is difficult to deal with a spirit if you haven't identified it.  Now understand that the Jezebel spirit tries to threaten the life of the man of God.  Elijah felt like he was forgotten, forsaken and all alone.  The man of God felt like throwing in the towel.  It is at this point, you can lose the will to live.  He laid down, closed his eyes and prayed that he wake up dead.  Every now and again, regardless of the faith God has built up in you, there will come times where you feel like giving up, but there is a dimension of your faith that has the capacity to draw on and connect with the faithfulness of God when you would come to the end of yourself.  It will move God to do the absolutely incredible on your behalf to show you He is still God, still faithful.  God came to Elijah at that point, when there was no ravens or widow women to bless him, and personally baked Elijah a cake and gave him water.  God is saying that He doesn't need the raven or the woman to bless you.  He can bless you all by Himself.  David told us in Psalm 23:5 that God will prepare a table before you (provision) in the presence of your enemies!  When it looks like no one is there for you and no one cares, God will command a blessing in your life!  He will personally bless you because HE IS FAITHFUL!  God will take care of you - all by Himself! 

The God of Elijah is here for you today.  He is looking to raise up men and women of faith in the body of Christ.  Men and women that he can use as examples in this nation to show that He is still God, the God of the impossible.  Will you trust Him even when the enemies of your faith try to threaten your life?  Remember that when your faith is being attacked, that means you have come to a place where your faith will connect with God's faithfulness to work miracles on your behalf.  God will command people to bless you, but understand that He wants you to come to the dimension of faith where you recognize He wants to bless you... Himself!

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

At First... - Pastor Dave Tunikaitis

This week's service can be watched at

Today's Scripture: Revelation 2:1-5

"At First..."
  • To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of Him who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands: I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Revelation 2:1-3
  • Because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope. Romans 5:3-4
  • The things that mark an apostle --- signs, wonders and miracles --- were done among you with great perseverance. 2 Corinthians 12:12
  • May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5
  • Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
  • The testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you will be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:3
  • As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. James 5:10
  • I will walk in my house with blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing.  The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.  Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil. Psalm 101:2-4
  • But there will be false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.  They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them — bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2 Peter 2:1
  • For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4
  • For such men are false apostles, deceitful workman, masquerading as apostles of Christ.  And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13
  • Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all persecutions and trials you are enduring. 2 Thessalonians 1:4
  • Let us not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
  • Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.  Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.  If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Revelation 2:4-7
AT FIRST - When you were courting...
  • You Looked Different - You made sure you looked good for them;
  • You Sat Different - Your posture was such that you appeared interested;
  • You Dressed Different - You made sure your clothes matched;
  • You Acted Different - You treated them with fresh respect;
  • You Smelled Different - You made sure you cleaned all 2,000 body parts;
  • You Ate Different - You watched what you ate;
  • You Talked Different - Your words were always uplifting and polite;
  • You Listened Different - you were attentive when they spoke and paid closer attention.
The question is... what happened?
Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.
AT FIRST - When you first gave your heart to Jesus...
  • You Looked Different - People around you could tell something was different;
  • You Sat Different - Your posture towards life was better;
  • You Dressed Different - You learned how to put on the full armour;
  • You Acted Different - you wouldn't accept those forwarded emails or the out-of-taste jokes;
  • You Smelled Different - 'We are the aroma or fragrance of Christ' 2 Corinthians 2:15;
  • You Ate Different - You feasted on God's word daily;
  • You Talked Different - You didn't know Greek or Hebrew, but like the blind man Jesus healed, you simply said, 'Once I was blind, but now I see... Jesus!';
  • You Listened Different - You heard the voice of God and listened to what the Spirit was saying to the church.
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. Revelation 2:4-5
Return to your first love.  Love Jesus again... for the very first time!

CHALLENGEListen to what the Spirit is saying to you today.  He is calling you... go back... to how you first responded to Jesus.  It will transform your relationship with Him; it will transform your life.  When you go back to courting Jesus, you will find the hunger you once had for Him.  Hunger to worship him, hunger to feed on His Word, hunger to serve Him and love Him, hunger like you once had when you first loved Him.  Jesus wants to be your Lord;  He still wants to take care of you today like he once did... at first.

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