David faced the lion, then the bear, then the giant. Don't put a limit on how many times you will be willing to have victory over things.
If you draw a line in the sand with God, He will cross it just to test your flesh.
Joseph spent a long time in the prison. Not because his faith was lacking, but rather because he was being formed by God and that was to accomplish God's purposes.
Paul was thrown into prison multiple times and beaten multiple times, he was shipwrecked... for being a man of faith and loving God. Yet he wrote most of the new testament.
Galations 5:24
"And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires."
The proof of being a believer is that we crucify the flesh.
'When we overcome our flesh, we get God's best.'
Our flesh is fighting the Spirit and the Spirit is fighting our flesh. Don't let filters of the flesh block what the Spirit of God is saying to your spirit.
Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
The Spirit needs to oversee the soul, not the other way around.
2 Keys to Overcome the Flesh:
- Live by the Spirit
Don't do things that are contrary to the spirit. It is like working out and eating junk food.
Exercise is what our body needs, junk food is what our body craves.
Feed the spirit, starve the flesh
Practical ways to live in the spirit:
* Spend time in prayer
* Take time to worship
* Build Godly relationships - Get into the Word
The Word directs our actions
The Word develops our thoughts
Walk - 'to conducts one's life, a way of living'
- Read the word
- Get to church to hear the Word
- Practice the Word
It isn't easy to control the flesh. We have to make a decision to walk in the spirit! Add your comments below for what God is doing in your life during this amazing series on Thankfulness!