CHALLENGE: To have the Courage to say that ‘I WILL put God first’ and the RESOLVE to make it happen!
'If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time!' As a believer, when you make a resolution, you don't have to do it by yourself. Philippians 2:13 God will help you when you rely on him. I am going to rely on the Lord and resolve to live right.
4 Ways to Live Right: - Psalm 101:2-4
You will not accomplish any goal unless you have determination! Four times in this verse, David states, “I WILL”. He didn't say he would try or he might. That means absolutely nothing. There is no determination or intention whatsoever. David was determined to
put first things first!
- Live Right Among Others - I WILL behave wisely, in a perfect way
- Live Right at Home – I WILL walk within my house with a perfect heart
QUESTION: How do we walk with a Perfect Heart?
- Take time to pray each day! - Ps 119:147 Just pray - it's a great way to start your day. It's the First Fruit of your day!
- Be quick to forgive one another! - Col 3:13 Allow people room to grow - not an excuse for bad behaviour, but grace to change. We all grow at different speeds in different areas.
- Be quicker to admit when you’re wrong. - Isa 57:15; Eph 4:26,27 Don't let the sun go down on your wrath. It will give a foothold to the devil and a foothold becomes a stronghold!
- Live Right With Your Sight - I WILL set nothing wicked before my eyes.
- The Law of Gravity states “what goes up, must come down”
- The Law of Garbage states “what goes in, must come out”
- Live Right in your Thoughts - I WILL NOT know wickedness!
Sometimes we're sinking because of our stinking thinking! When we change our thinking we can change our life!
Scriptures on right thoughts: Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:97-99; Philippians 4:8 These scriptures all come with a promise!
CHALLENGE: Have the Courage to put God first - and RESOLVE to make it happen! Live right among others, at home, with your sight and in your thoughts. This week, journal your journey with the Lord and reflect on what God is doing as you resolve to 'LIVE RIGHT'!