Sunday, September 26, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Jonah

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"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." 1 Corinthians 10:11

Today's Scripture Text: Jonah 1:1-17

It's so important that we renew our mind - to be transformed on a daily basis!  But sometimes when we read God's Word, we read too fast and miss the important lessons.
U God CARES about ALL people – Jonah 1:1-2

Life Lesson #1 - God Loves & Wants Relationship with Everyone, No Matter What They’ve Done!!

God hates the sin that people commit, but He never stops loving those people.  Now Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, Israel's greatest enemy who wanted to destroy them.  God sends His people even to their enemies to tell them God loves them.  Jonah had the Word of God, but not the Heart of God.
U God CALLS us to do great exploits for Him – Jonah 1:1-3
We don't have to love sin to love people.  As parents, our kids can sometimes disobey us.  That doesn't make us happy but we still love them, despite their actions.  It's the same with God, towards His children.  "He desires that none would perish..." John 3:15
Jonah's call was incredible, but not easy.  God has great plans for your life too, but they might not be easy.  They will usually push you out of your comfort zone and are typically against popular opinion.  A great call is not always an easy call. It is all too easy to respond in fear.  Will you trust God with His plans
for you even when it isn't easy?

Life Lesson #2 - You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide!

You can try to avoid the call, but you are only fooling yourself.  You can't hide from God.  "Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from Your presence..." Psalm 139:7-14
U God CORRECTS us when we don’t follow His path – Jonah 1:4
Sometimes God will stir things up in our lives to get our attention, especially when we are not heeding His call.  God will get your attention with His 'wake-up call'.

Life Lesson #3 - The Purpose of Correction is to Get Us in the Right Direction.

Correction is imperative if we want to get things right.  Just like in school, when we make mistakes, it is the teacher's job to correct us.  If we don't receive this correction, we will end up taking our mistakes into our future and making mistakes that we could have avoided.  Correction is better given and received at the foundation, at the time it is first needed.
U God PROTECTS even when we are going the other way – Jonah 1:17
The great thing about God is that He protects us in spite of us.  He doesn't abandon us.  What may appear to be holding us back, could quite possibly be protecting us!  Sometimes our obstacles are there for our protection.  That protection is designed as our opportunity to stop and turn our thoughts towards the Lord.

Life Lesson #4 - God Doesn’t Want to Take You Out, He wants to Set You Up to Reach Your Destiny.

Sometimes when we have gone our own way, we feel like God has forgotten us.  But when you turn your thoughts towards the Lord, He hears you.
U God NEVER REJECTS US Jonah 2:10, 3:1-3

Life Lesson #5 - When We Pray God Hears

You are not on this journey all by yourself.  When you turn your thoughts toward God, He hears.  In fact He has never stopped listening.  He has been there all the time.
CHALLENGEIs there an area in your life where you are running from God?  Go before the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show you any area where you are 'dodging the call'.  Remember today's lesson; God has not forgotten or left you.  Simply commit to the call and He will help you move forward.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Daniel

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"...follow the example of those who are going to inherit
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12

Today's Scripture Text: The Book of Daniel

Sometimes unexpected things are going to happen in your life.  Everyone of us faces challenges, but..

Life Lesson #1 - Situations might sidetrack your plan, but they can’t sidetrack God’s plan.

God's plans for you are great, regardless of what you are going through.  There are always curve balls, but it's how we respond that will determine if we see God's plan come to pass.  The only one who can stop God's plan is you!

3 MAIN KEYS to Get to God’s Great Plans:
  1. He Determined to Obey God - Daniel 1:8
Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself!  He said, "I will follow God no matter what!"  Sometimes we will defile ourselves to get what we want.  For friends, a raise or a promotion.

Life Lesson #2 - The godly choice is always the right choice. Even if it costs you.

Most times it will cost you to make the godly choice, but don't worry, God will always bless you more than you can on your own, when you do the right thing!  "I am determined to obey!"  "What's the big deal, it's just a party... it's just a glass of wine..."  Remember Josiah?  He found the Word and said, We are going to read and obey the Word!  At this time Daniel was about 2-3 years old.  He and his family began to go to the temple regularly.  All of Judah served the Lord wholeheartedly.  Daniel grew up hearing the commandments of the Lord and therefore, when he was tested, he said, "I will not defile myself."  He made up his mind not to defile himself.
  1. He Disciplined his Life - Daniel 1:11-15; 6:4
At the end of 10 days, Daniel was healthier than any of the King's other administrators.  They were jealous of Daniel and tried to find fault with him, but Daniel was faithful in all his affairs.  He was responsible and they could find nothing wrong with him.  When you aren't disciplined in one area, it can easily affect other areas of your life.  A little leaven... Galatians 5:9  Daniel had determined to live a disciplined lifestyle.  Discipline will take you beyond your natural abilities.
Discipline: behaviour in accordance with a code of conduct, order maintained by self-control.
We are famous for excuses; we blame it on our past, our parents or the government.  'Failure is an absence of discipline!'

Life Lesson #3 - It takes discipline in order to win!

  1. He DEPENDED on GOD - Daniel 6:10
Daniel's custom was to pray daily.  Regardless of culture or decrees, he was faithful to pray, showing his dependency on God and noone else!

Life Lesson #4 - To Stay on Course, ALWAYS REMEMBER: God is Your Source

The godly patterns Daniel established when he was young, caused him to excel in every area of his life.  It's good to develop some 'Holy Habits'.  What's exciting is that it's just as hard to break good habits as it is to break bad ones.

'Bad habits bring devastation - godly habits bring preservation!'

The king had issued a decree that you could only pray to him, but Daniel could not break the habit of praying to the source he knew was faithful, God.  He made a choice to not stop praying.  Many believe that Daniel was only young when he was thrown into the lion's den, but he was actually 80 years old!  It would have been easy for Daniel to ask God why he was still being tested at that age!  But he always trusted in his God.  He couldn't break that holy habit regardless of his age, even if he tried.  Regardless of your age, you can be sure the test will come, but know that God will never let you down!  No matter what happens, keep trusting in God as your source!

Life Lesson #5 - God won’t stop you from running into problems, BUT He will always bring you through.

Praying and serving faithfully didn't stop problems from coming to Daniel.  But praying and serving faithfully kept him, in the midst of his problems.  He probably slept better in the lion's den than the king did in the palace.  Daniel was at peace amongst hungry lions as he recounted God's faithfulness over the years.  When you have developed godly habits, you will be able to recount God's faithfulness in the midst of every storm.

Remember this: God has never failed you and He's not about to start now! Philippians 1:6

When the morning came, the king was the first to the lion's den.  Daniel yelled up, long live the king and he testified of God's goodness and faithfulness!

Everyone lacks discipline in various areas of their lives.  In order to see and maintain success in your life, in the things God has called you to, you must develop a disciplined lifestyle.  This week, list 3 areas where you lack discipline.  Then, according to James 1:2-5, ask God for wisdom to develop discipline in these areas.  Depend on the Holy Spirit to help you stay faithful to these disciplines daily.  Let God's faithfulness to you motivate your faithfulness to Him.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Esther

This week's service can be watched at
"...follow the example of those who are going to inherit
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12

Today's Scripture Text: Book of Esther
  • Have you ever felt like God has put you on hold?
  • Have you ever been in a place where everything is going great and suddenly - WHAM! - an obstacle gets in your way?
  • Have you ever been in a place where you just don't know what to do?
You need to know that God has not forgotten you!

Life Lesson #1 - Even if Others Give You No Chance, God has a Great Plan for You!

Everybody goes through stuff but God still has a plan - to prosper you and not harm you; God has a hope-filled future for you - Jeremiah 29:11  Even if you think He's done alot for you, there is more in store for you.  But you need to understand one thing before you can step into what God has for you...

Life Lesson #2 - Preparation Always Precedes Opportunity - Esther 2:23

God’s Plan Requires Preparation.  Just because you are called, it doesn't mean you are already adequately prepared.  And without preparation, you will not make it.  You need to get all the training required because lives are at stake.  You may have heard accurately from God about your call and your future but you have to get both the knowledge and the maturity to handle the call.  You may have the practical training, but you may still require a season of maturing.  Don't get frustrated in the preparation season.  The greater the calling, the greater the season of preparation.  Stay in the process.

Life Lesson #3 - Preparation Will Require Us to Listen to Godly Instruction

Esther followed the instruction Mordecai had raised her with; she also took instruction from the eunuch.  She remained humble as she followed wise counsel.  God has put godly people around you to help mature & direct you.  You need to walk in wisdom and you will receive favour.  Fools find no favour!

Life Lesson #4 - Our Preparation is For God’s Purpose - Esther 4:13-14

It is not about us.  It is about God's call on your life.  Fulfillment of your call will arise from another place if you don't realize this.  God desires you but does not require you.

You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!

When an athlete prepares themselves, it is so they will see victory for them and their entire team.  God has placed you somewhere to see victory, but victory requires preparation.  Don't be surprised if what God does doesn't look like what you expected.

Life Lesson #5 - Fast & Pray & God Will Make a Way! - Esther 4:15-17

Godly preparation requires prayer and many times, also fasting.  This will give you the ability to put your total trust in God!

Life Lesson #6 - Serving God Will Require You to Be Bold! - Esther 4:16; Esther 5:1

Esther's confidence came from fasting and praying.  Every step she took required boldness.  We need this same boldness to take the steps required to get the victory God has called us to.

Are there things you feel God has called you to?  Are you feeling anxious about the call?  Are you prepared enough to answer the call today?  If not, don't worry.  Just listen to godly instruction from those God has put over your life.  There is safety in the multitude of counsel.  Enter into a time of preparation so that you can answer the call with boldness and confidence.  God desires to empower you to make a difference but it must be His power working in and through you that fulfills the call.  Lives and destinies are at stake; you need to be fully equipped by the Spirit of God to see the manifestation of the results that God intended.

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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Elisha

This week's service can be watched at
"...follow the example of those who are going to inherit
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12

Today's Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:15-21 & 2 Kings 2:1-13
  1. GOD’S CALL! – 1 Kings 19:19
There is no audition for serving God.  He is not looking for your ability but your availability.

Life Lesson #1 - God Calls Ordinary People & Has More In Store

All of the 'Greats' were found "working".  God uses people who are busy working for the kingdom!

Life Lesson #2 - Hard Work Always Pays Off!

'Waiting' means "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might"Eccl. 9:10

Life Lesson #3 - God Makes The Call – We Make The Commitment & Effort 

  1. OUR COMMITMENT to God! – 1 Kings 19:21
When you make a commitment to God, there must be no turning back!  Elisha burned everything so he couldn't make any excuse to back out of his commitment!

Life Lesson #4 - The Call Will Often Cost You But The Blessing Is Abundant!

When you receive God's call, you must give your all. It is a choice that will require sacrifice.  God will use and bless anyone who is committed to the call!
  1. OUR COMMITMENT to Serve!  – 1 Kings 19:21
When Elisha was called, he was actually the man in charge.  He was building a business when God called him.  He heeded the call to serve the man of God.  Not as a boss, but as a servant.  He humbled himself.  We're not called to position, we're called to submission.  We are called to serve.  This is the last we hear about Elisha for 10 years.

Life Lesson #5 - God Makes Great Leaders Out Of Great Followers

Whoever wants to be the greatest must become the least - Matthew 23:11
  1. THE TESTING! – 2 Kings 2:2-6
When once again we hear about Elisha, he's being tested!  You might think he would be a prominent leader by this point, but instead he is making the bed and washing the clothes... he is still serving!

Life Lesson #6 - Our Commitment Is Almost Always Tested!

Elisha's answer to his man of God was consistently, "As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!"  Elisha's commitment was summed up by saying, "I am going to remain faithful to you until God says otherwise!"  He kept being tested to leave the call, but he stayed close to his man of God, regardless of what the future was to bring.  Elijah had many followers, but they all stood at a distance - while Elisha stayed close.

Life Lesson #7 - Don’t Look For The Easy Out - Determination In Serving Always Brings Blessing

After Elijah realized the determination of Elisha "when they crossed over to the other side" (Elisha was still serving him after all that time and testing), he asked Elisha what he could do for him.  Elisha didn't chase Elijah always asking for the blessing, but Elisha offered it when it was the right time.
  1. THE BLESSING! – 2 Kings 2:9-10

Life Lesson #8 - Your Blessing Comes After You Prove Faithful In The Testing

Elisha asked for a double-portion of Elijah's anointing.  Now, there really isn't such a thing as varying measures of anointing.  But in Elisha's culture, what double-portion really meant was that he wanted the blessing of the father on the first born son!  A generational blessing (as opposed to a generational curse).  Elisha understood that it wasn't about him.  The miraculous flows out of lives that have been submitted, with the heart to see others delivered - because there are still be people that need freedom.  We know that Elisha received his request because:
  • While it is recorded that Elijah did 8 great miracles, we see that Elisha
    did 16 great miracles. 
  • Elisha was a prophet for twice as long as Elijah.
Elisha wasn't just like Elijah.  While Elijah had a very prominent ministry in his time, with many onlookers, Elisha never had the crowds.  He performed miracles relationally, one at a time.  When you are faithful to serve your man and woman of God, He will release blessing on you and your future generations.  Just don't turn back.  After all, what do you have to go back to?  Jesus said that we will do greater things than he did and there isn't enough room to record all the works Jesus did.  The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will empower you to walk in the footsteps of Elisha.  Because you truly do have an anointing from the Holy One! 1 John 2:20

This week's challenge is two-fold:
  1. If there is anything that you have as a Plan B, something to 'fall back on', a back-up in case your relationship with God doesn't work, you need to surrender it to God right now.  Let go of anything that holds you to your past.  These are the very things keeping you from moving into your destiny.
  2. Elisha's last miracle was his greatest.  He had died and was in his tomb.  A dead body was thrown in Elisha's tomb by some thieves and as soon as that body touched Elisha's bones, it came to life!  You have died to yourself and are alive in Christ.  In the same manner as Elisha, let the dead that are around you receive life as they encounter you and their lives are touched by you.

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