"...follow the example of those who are going to inherit
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12
God’s promises because of their faith and endurance."
Hebrew 6:12
Today's Scripture Text: 2 Chronicles 33:1 to 34:33
Have you ever felt like you were swimming upstream - like you were going against the flow? Today we are looking at the life of Josiah, a man of God who definitely had to go against the flow!
Josiah's grandfather Manasseh built altars to pagan gods right within Solomon's temple! He even sacrificed one of his own children in the temple, to the god of fire. He shed innocent blood from one end of Jerusalem to the other. Manasseh ruled for 52 years. Then, his son Amon (Josiah's father) followed in his father's footsteps. Because of this, he ruled only 2 years and was executed by his servants.
2 Kings 21 At 8 years old Josiah became king in his father's place. But he didn't walk in his father Amon's footsteps. 2 Chronicles 34:1
Life Lesson #1 - Your Upbringing Doesn’t Have to be Your Downfall
Every home environment has its dysfunction. But you can choose to stop the flow of sin and decide to make a change. Josiah chose to live a life of faithfulness to God. 2 Chronicles. 34:2 He could have used his past as an excuse to live a life like his father or grandfather, but he made a choice to be faithful, just like King David.
Faithfulness is characterized by stability, dependability and devotion:
- Stability - not jumping around
- Dependability - do what you say you will do (better than talent, results in promotion)
- Devotion - dedicated and loyal
Life Lesson #2 - God Always Rewards Faithfulness
Josiah experienced great peace and prosperity because of his faithfulness. Their is a process to faithfulness. You need to be faithful to:
- PURSUE GOD – 2 Chronicles 34:3
Here's how you know if what you think you heard from God was actually God: If it doesn't line up with the Word of God, it wasn't God.
Life Lesson #3 - To Know What to Do, You Have to Pursue God
- PURIFY YOUR LIFE – 2 Chronicles 34:3
Life Lesson #4 - Purifying Our Life is a Process
There were 4 years from the time Josiah pursued God until He began purifying the temple and his kingdom. There is a process... but God is patient in that process! We can worship and serve the Lord much better when we get rid of the clutter!
- PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE – 2 Chronicles 34:8
Life Lesson #5 - To Have Complete Peace & Prosperity we Need to Make Church a Priority!
Corporate worship needs to be the foundation to all you do! When you make church a priority, God fights on your behalf. Hebrews 10:25, Luke 4:16.
- PURPOSE TO OBEY GOD'S WORD – 2 Chronicles 34:14
Life Lesson #6 - When You Purpose to Obey You Won’t Turn Away
You don't have to repeat the things your forefathers did wrong. Chose to obey the Lord and be faithful to His covenant.
"A beautiful palace does not make a great King."
The word 'faithfulness' keeps reappearing as we look at "Walking With The Greats". This is because faithfulness to God is a trait that makes you great!
CHALLENGE: God is asking, "Will you be faithful? Faithful to my house, faithful to my word, faithful to my commandments, faithful to to pursuing me, even when that faithfulness means sacrifice or increased devotion? Are you willing to hear the word of the Lord and increase your level of faithfulness? Will you choose to be the one? Take some time to go before the Lord right now and let Him know you will make faithfulness a priority.
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