Psalm 50:15 "Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honour and glorify Me." Our guest speaker, Pastor Scott Cooper ministered a powerful and encouraging message from the text of David & Goliath found in 1st Samuel 17:1-54.
The odds were impossible for David to win against the giant. Goliath was over 9 feet tall and David was only a short young Hebrew shepherd. But David recognized the giant for who he really was. Giants want to keep you in fear, but if you turn back, you make yourself a target for the enemy. Even in last week's message we discussed that there can be no turning back. God is trying to make a point. We need to keep pressing forward!
Here are four things that David did to see his victory:
- He reminded himself of past victories - vs. 34-37 (David encouraged himself) The enemy reminds us
of our failures. In Revelation 12:10 he is called the accuser of the brethren. Get an Ebenezer (a reminder of another time when God worked in your favour to bring you the victory.) - Don't pay attention to the odds - It doesn't matter what is possible in the natural. God operates above our realm, in the supernatural. He can do ANYTHING! When the odds are against you, remember that God is for you! Romans 8:31
- He fixed his vision upwards - from horizontal to vertical - David looked at things from his father's
(God's) perspective. God see's what we call 'giants' as tiny little blips on the radar screen, like flies that He can wipe out with one tiny swat! - He ran right into the face of his fears - God will use my gifts, talents and abilities to bring the victory, but only if I take action. I must believe He has my back and will honour my faith in action.
Pastor Scott's wife Wendy encouraged the people of HWC from Romans 14:17 AMP - "[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
CHALLENGE: Do you have the trust in God that David had? In order to have the faith of a giant slayer, you have to be prepared to do what giant slayers do. Like you, David was by no means perfect, which means you too qualify to be a giant slayer. However you must be prepared to consecrate yourself daily to the Lord and experience the small victories. With every victory God gives you, you need to have an 'Ebenezer', a reminder of the victories God has given you. If you don't have any currently, take some time to recall the victories God has given you and put some reminders in place so you don't forget what God has done before that He can and will do again.
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