Sunday, July 25, 2010

Are You a Giant Slayer?

This week's service can be watched at

Psalm 50:15
"Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honour and glorify Me."  Our guest speaker, 
Pastor Scott Cooper ministered a powerful and encouraging message from the text of David & Goliath found in 1st Samuel 17:1-54.  

The odds were impossible for David to win against the giant.  Goliath was over 9 feet tall and David was only a short young Hebrew shepherd.  But David recognized the giant for who he really was.  Giants want to keep you in fear, but if you turn back, you make yourself a target for the enemy.  Even in last week's message we discussed that there can be no turning back.  God is trying to make a point.  We need to keep pressing forward!  

Here are four things that David did to see his victory:
  1. He reminded himself of past victories - vs. 34-37  (David encouraged himself) The enemy reminds us
    of our failures.  In Revelation 12:10 he is called the accuser of the brethren.  Get an Ebenezer (a reminder of another time when God worked in your favour to bring you the victory
  2. Don't pay attention to the odds - It doesn't matter what is possible in the natural.  God operates above our realm, in the supernatural.  He can do ANYTHING!  When the odds are against you, remember that God is for you! Romans 8:31
  3. He fixed his vision upwards - from horizontal to vertical - David looked at things from his father's
    (God's) perspective.  God see's what we call 'giants' as tiny little blips on the radar screen, like flies that He can wipe out with one tiny swat!
  4. He ran right into the face of his fears - God will use my gifts, talents and abilities to bring the victory, but only if I take action.  I must believe He has my back and will honour my faith in action.
Pastor Scott shared the many challenges he and his family have faced over the years and how God delivered them out of them all.  He used the 'Behemoth', the large roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland, as an example when he explained to his family in each case, "I know the ride is not leaving the tracks and that it will be over quickly."  We need to trust God regardless of the situation.  It is our trust and the attitude we choose to have in the midst of our circumstances that releases the hand of God to act on our behalf.  

Pastor Scott's wife Wendy encouraged the people of HWC from Romans 14:17 AMP - "[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

Do you have the trust in God that David had?  In order to have the faith of a giant slayer, you have to be prepared to do what giant slayers do.  Like you, David was by no means perfect, which means you too qualify to be a giant slayer.  However you must be prepared to consecrate yourself daily to the Lord and experience the small victories.  With every victory God gives you, you need to have an 'Ebenezer', a reminder of the victories God has given you.  If you don't have any currently, take some time to recall the victories God has given you and put some reminders in place so you don't forget what God has done before that He can and will do again.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Ruth

This week's service can be watched at

These things happened to them as examples for us.
1 Corinthians 10:11

When you are faithful, your challenges will not DESTROY you, but they will DEPLOY you into the Destiny God has for your life!

Ruth 1 & 2 - 
How to Triumph with Trials on Every Side:

Determination To Your Commitment – Ruth 1:16

'I am not a quitter!'  We live in a society that wants everything to come easy.  They miss the best because they won't hold on through the test'Don't ask me to go back from where I came.'

God is trying to accelerate you but every time you decide to change direction, you have to slow down!  You must stay the course.  When challenges come, don't give up; keep on going.  We need a 'crazy glue' attitude; "No matter what happens, I am going to stick with it."  Others may quit but I'm not going back!

Life Lesson #1: When the going gets tough, the tough keep on going!

Sometimes we can be nervous about what's ahead.  It sometimes seems safer to go backwards.  A rear-view mirror is designed to be used only when we are going backwards.  But if we spend too much time looking in the rear-view mirror while trying to drive forward, the results will be disastrous.  In like manner, if we keep looking back while trying to move forward with God's plan for our life, we will hinder getting to the destiny God has for us and we will end up creating mess and frustration for ourselves and those around us.

Be DETERMINED not to look back or go back! - I'm staying on track and I'm not going back!  I'm accelerating and advancing into my destiny!  There is no stopping me now!

Devotion To God And Others - staying faithful, loyal and dedicated – Ruth 2:9-11

Here's a test of devotion: If you were working hard and not getting rewarded, would you stay faithful?


Life Lesson #2: Favour Follows Faithfulness

As we show God our faithfulness, He shows us His favour!  Ruth did not whine, grumble or complain.  She did not feel sorry for herself.  She did what she had to do with what she had.  
Expect the unexpected.  Your devotion & reputation in faithfulness will attract favour into your life.  At HWC we are entering a season where God is releasing supernatural favour to those who have remained faithful!  

Decision To Follow Wise Counsel – Ruth 3:5-6

Ruth followed godly counsel and God's blessing was released in provision, protection and every other area of her life.

Life Lesson #3: Obedience is the key ingredient to release God’s Blessing

Here are three keys to your acceleration:

  1. Don't turn back
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Obedience
Using these keys daily will deploy you into your destiny.

Take a look at your life and see if there is any area where faithfulness is lacking.  Review this week's scriptures and ask God to help you to commit to being faithful to Him and everything you do daily, just like Ruth was.  As you do this, you will experience God releasing his favour into your life and you will be even more motivated to remain faithful and increase your devotion and determination towards Him.  Contact someone this week and encourage them to stay faithful.  We are about to experience a supernatural release of God's favour and we don't want anyone to miss it!

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Get Ready for a Season of Triumph!

This week's service can be watched at

  1. Some of our challenges are caused by others.  They can be caused by others selfishness and by their jealousy.  You need to be quick to forget, forgive and receive God's blessing.  Don't keep your eyes on the challenge or those involved.  Commit them to God and watch Him demonstrate His glory.  In times like this, remember this phrase: "Got To Live & Just Forgive". 
  1. Some of our challenges are caused by self.  Our wrong choices bring our struggles.  Many times we can be our own worst enemy, but even when we cause our own problems, God is ready to forgive us and turn it around.  We need to cast our cares on Him and He will intervene on our behalf.
  2. Some of our challenges are caused by outside circumstances.  At times like these we ask questions like, 'What did I do to deserve this?' or 'Why are these things happening in my life?'  Sometimes there is no apparent rhyme or reason, but know this:
Whatever The Reason For The Trial, This Is A Season Of Triumph!

In Romans 8:28 (AMP) Paul declares, 'We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labour] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.  GOOD means ‘for your pleasure and success’.  We need to make sure we are asking the right

Here are two questions to ask in challenging times:
  1. If God be with us who can be against us? - Romans 8:31  Regardless of what has come against you, know that God was not taken by surprise.  He is for you and that means that nothing can successfully take you down or out.
  2. Who can separate us from the Love of Christ? - Romans 8:35  TRIBULATION means intense pressure. DISTRESS means extreme difficulty.  Romans 8:37 declares that 'We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!'
The final answer to all the questions we ask when facing all challenges: "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

CHALLENGEWhen you are in the middle of a challenge, it isn't always easy to respond the way God has taught us to respond.  That's why it is so important to spend time daily with the Lord preparing your spirit to be ready for the battles of the day.  When the challenge comes, then you will recall the promises of Romans 8 and your response to the challenge will be birthed from the Word of God, by the Spirit of God!  Take the time to review the scriptures from today's message and ponder them in your heart.  Refer to them all this week and watch how God shows up to be a very present help in times of trouble.

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Walking With The Greats - The Life of Samson

This week's service can be watched at

These things happened to them as examples for us.
1 Corinthians 10:11

Samson Was Listed Among the Greats!

LIFE LESSON #1: Our Choice to Sin Impacts our Life
1. He had a Great Call - Judges 13:1-7,16

God has great plans for your life - Psalm 139:16, Jeremiah 29:11
LIFE LESSON #2: Don’t Sell Yourselves Short - God has Great Plans for You!
2. He did some Great Exploits - Judges 14:5-6; Judges 15:14-15

"The Spirt of The Lord Came Powerfully Upon Him" but Samson boasted that it was in his own strength.  He forgot that God was his Source.
LIFE LESSON #3:Recognize the Source of your Strength is God
"Remember the Lord, for it is He who gives you the power..." -Deuteronomy 8:18

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord -James 1:17

The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead... -Romans 8:11

3. He Had a Great Weakness - Lust
LIFE LESSON #4: Spiritual Potential Does Not Guarantee Spiritual Success!
Being tempted is one thing - but giving into temptation is where the problem begins.  The more you give into temptation, the more of a grip it has on your life!  Samson kept falling into the same trap with women.  Then he rules for 20 years, ignoring the tugging of the Spirit and then he ends up going right back to his issues.

The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10.

He uses our weakness against us.  Don't confuse God's presence as condoning your actions.
He didn't realize the Spirit had left him.  The first thing to go was his eyes, the eyes that caused his lust!  He was delivered, but not the way God wanted to do it.  Don't miss your potential!

4. He Had A Great Finish

Sure he failed and went through many thing unnecessarily, but when he came to his senses, God was prepared to anoint him once again to do great things, even if they were the last things he would do.
LIFE LESSON #5: Even if You Mess Up, Don’t Give Up. - FINISH STRONG
He may have gone wrong - but he chose to finish strong!

You can never go so far into sin that you can get away from the love of God.  He will always be as close as the mention of His name.  Samson remembered God and God remembered Samson.  Even if you mess up, don't give up!  Finish strong!

Today is the day to break the cycle of sin over your life!

Take a moment right now and examine your heart.  Ask the Spirit of God to search your heart and show you where you have weakness.  Ask Him to deliver you from that weakness as you humble yourself - before it is too late.  Before that thing takes you out.  As He delivers you, make a choice to finish strong!  Remember - He is close, regardless of your condition.  Call on His name everyday and watch Him work!!

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