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This Week's Text: Philippians 4:18 - Your sacrifice is a fragrant offering which God welcomes. The word 'Sacrifice' means, 'something offered that is considered to be of great value'.
Giving is not about an equal amount of money, but rather an equal amount of sacrifice.
There are 2 Things We Need to Know When We Sow:
- Sacrificial Giving Always Gets God’s Attention
Mark 12:41-44
- The widow gave the greater amount because of the level of her sacrifice! Her giving made history!
- Giving out of abundance is not wrong or bad; it is obedience. But giving out of lack is giving more because it is a sacrifice!
- Some people around you won't understand why you give what you do; but God looks at your sacrifice as worship and it makes history!
- Your Sacrificial Seed Sown will bring Prophetic Promise to Pass!
- Sacrificial Giving Produces Miracle Living
Matthew 14:17-21
- The boy with the fish & loaves gave all he had and a Miracle of Multiplication was Manifested
- His sacrificial obedience blessed thousands around him then and there, but even more was left to bless others at a later time.
1 Kings 17:9-16
- God prepared a woman to feed Elijah, but she didn't appear to have enough to help.
- When what you hold in your hand is not your harvest, make it your seed!
Sacrificial Giving
Opens The Door
To Supernatural Living!!
Opens The Door
To Supernatural Living!!
CHALLENGE: Get ready, get ready, get ready! God is setting you up! There are breakthroughs of every kind being prepared for you. Like Elijah, God is coming to visit you and it may look like you have nothing. Do like the widow woman and go find what God has already provided you (seed to the sower). Then, ask God to show what to sow and be obedient. It will look like it is impossible but if you obey, God will bring you a harvest beyond your wildest imagination. One apple seed will grow one apple tree. One apple tree could give you over 100 apples. Each apple can give you 5 seeds. That gives you the potential of 500 new apple trees! In just one more season you will have 250,000 seeds that will bear fruit after their own kind! Exponential return is coming you way. Don't eat your seed, sow it this Resurrection Seed Sunday and watch God supply more than enough for you, for those around you and for needs you aren't yet even aware of!
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