Romans 4:11 calls Abraham “The father of all them that believe.”
Abraham was:
- A blessed man of Faith - Galatians 3:9
- “...so those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith”
- A man of Obedience - Hebrews 11:8
- “…he obeyed [God]…”
- A man who trusted God - Hebrews 11:17-19
- A friend of God - James 2:23
- A righteous man - Genesis 12:1-4, 15:6
The Steps for Becoming A Person of Faith:
- Great Faith Requires Obedience
- He Obeyed God - By Letting Go of the Past
Genesis 12:1
- Don’t Drag Your Past Into Your Future! It won't fit. You need to leave the past behind you! Past habits, relationships, limitations.
- Don't keep looking back. The windshield is bigger than the rear-view mirror for a reason. You ought to be spending more time looking forward than looking backward.
- He Obeyed God - By Letting Go of the Past
- Great Faith Requires Trust
- He Trusted God - He Was Willing to Put His Future in God’s Hands.
At 100 years old Abraham was still being tested. He trusted God when it wasn't logical... but it was reasonable! Great faith will be tested in every season of your life.
You don't pray to become a great person of faith. It is not a destination, it is a journey and must be walked out. It requires action on our part. Every step you make takes your faith to the next level. James 2:18 "I will show you my faith by my works"
Focus Verse: Galatians 3:6 "just as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."
Will you trust God when things don't go the way you expect? He promised to be with you and never leave or forsake you!
2 Timothy 1:12 "...for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him".
Do you believe?
CHALLENGE: Do you have a promise from God that has still not manifested? Is your faith being tested? Then it's time to do some inventory. Check yourself and see if you are walking in obedience. Then, examine yourself to see if you are walking in complete trust. If you find an area where you have not trusted or obeyed God, take time this week to surrender your trust over to God and step into obedience in that area. Then, wait on the Lord because in due season you will see the manifestation of His promises as you continue to trust and obey.
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