Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Promises of God Are True!

There are many promises that God has given you in His Word.  Promises to save, to forgive, to supply, to give you strength, to comfort, to guide, to protect, to prosper.  Promises of health, of peace and joy, of hope, of abundant life, to stay closer than a brother and many, many more!
  • The word "promises" means 'the word of God; a declaration with an obligation to carry it out.'
  • The word "proved" means 'tried and thoroughly tested.'  It is quality assurance!
There are great biblical promises recorded to remind us:
  • Psalm 119:140 - His promises have been thoroughly tested 
  • Romans 4:20,21 - Abraham's faith didn't waver, he was fully persuaded that God is able. 
  • Genesis 39 - We see that Joseph had a promise to rule, but circumstances made it appear as though he would end up a prisoner and slave.
Let these examples remind you not to look at your circumstances and be tricked into cursing your promise; keep on believing, keep on trusting because your trials are the process that proves His promises!

Here is the pattern that God often uses: 
  1. Promise
  2. Testing of the promise
    1. Adversity
    2. Character refining
    3. Faith building
  3. The fulfillment of the promise
And the greater the promise, the more thorough the test.

God’s Promises are True!  His word declares in 2 Cor 1:20, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God."  Amen simply means, 'So be it!'  It is your prophetic declaration that what was said shall come to pass!

CHALLENGE: God’s Promises for You Are Tried, Tested and True!  Recall some promises the Lord has made to you that have not yet manifested.  Have you cursed them because you were impatient with God?  Are you still trusting God?  Reflect on this week's message and ask God to renew your faith and trust in Him and His promises as you accelerate into 2010!

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Sunday, January 24, 2010


In the year of Acceleration there is no time for hesitation.  We need to leave all excess baggage behind and when we are accelerating, we need to make sure we are going the right way!  There are really only two ways that you can choose:
  1. There is God’s way - Psalm 18:29
    1. WAY - course of life, conduct of character
  2. There is Man’s Way - Proverbs 21:2
    1. SEEMS RIGHT - appears to be upright and correct
You can go the way of correction or the way of destruction. - Proverbs 14:12

God is your supernatural GPS.  His viewpoint is higher than yours!

Job, Peter, Paul & Jesus showed us that after the test, that's when you are doubly blessed!

HOW do we practically follow God’s way?
Proverbs 3:5&6
  • TRUST in the Lord with all your heart
    • TRUST - to have a total confidence. 
      This is God's GPS!

  • LEAN NOT on your own understanding
    • LEAN - to put your full weight on
  • ACKNOWLEDGE Him in ALL your ways
    • ACKNOWLEDGE - be acquainted with and recognize God has promises for those who will follow in his ways.
When we follow God’s ways the promise is:
  • Long Life
  • Prosperity - completeness, health, wealth and contentment
  • A Good Name
  • Favour with man
  • Favour with God
Don't go the way that seems right, go the way that is right!

CHALLENGE: Determine what the right direction is for you in 2010 according to the Word of God and tie into God's supernatural GPS.  Then, trust Him to direct your path!
Proverbs 3:6 

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(All comments are reviewed before publishing.)

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Sunday, January 10, 2010