Sunday, October 25, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

In Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul begs us to walk worthy of our calling in 3 areas:

  • Our attitude of humility (valuing others) & gentleness (showing brotherly kindness)
  • Our actions (being patient with each other - having a long wick - exact opposite of quick tempered & making allowance for each other’s faults - bearing with one another.)
  • Our inter-actions or how we influence one-another, keeping unity in the bond of peace (vs. 3)

Unity is always the goal - it is the four attitudes and actions above that get us to that goal. Unity is more important than expressing my opinion! It is not something you pray for, you have to walk it out!


  • In 1 Corinthians 1:10 Paul appeals that we be in agreement to avoid divisions, united in mind and in thought.
  • Amos 3:3 says 'How can 2 walk together unless they agree?' Our attitude must remain, "United we stand... PERIOD!"
  • Romans 14:19 encourages us to make peace and build one another up.
  • Acts 2 shows us that unity results in the Spirit being poured out, people being saved, all needs being met and miracles being released!

Ask God to show you this week any areas where you are deficient in the charcter traits that bring unity, especially within the houeshold of faith.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Gal. 6:8-10

"Don't Grow Weary In Doing Good..."

The word 'weary' means 'tired or careless'. God is bringing a harvest of peace, prosperity and provision to those who 'do good'!

  1. The 1st definition of 'GOOD' is 'Don't get weary of developing morally honourable, noble or excellent character'.
  2. The 2nd 'GOOD' is defined as 'being generous, kind, practicing good things towards others'.
When you have Godly character, it will manifest in generousity, kindness and doing good to all people!

"...Especially To The Household Of Faith, The Local Church Family."

It's important to be involved in a local church where people love, help and encourage you! Jesus said, "they will know you are Christians by the love you have for one another."

Let's raise the bar and show each other and the world at large the love Christ showed us and changed us with. Find someone everyday, whether in the local church, your neighbourhood, your workplace or in the world at large and encourage, love and support them!

And always remember, as you refine your character, you are defining your destiny!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Character of a Conqueror

Today we learned how to develop the character of a conqueror. God is chiselling away at us, smoothing our character. Colossians chapter 3 teaches us how to take off the old nature and put on the new nature. We learned that there are obvious and not so obvious works of the flesh that need to be put off and they are 2-fold, the first being sins of the emotion which are progressive. They are anger, an impulsive feeling of emotion, annoyance or offence, which manifests in our attitude, rage, an outburst of anger which manifests in action, and malice which is ill-will toward another. Then, sins of the tongue. They are slander or speech which damages the name of another, filthy language or speech that's offensive and lying or to deliberately mislead or deceive.

After taking off the old, we need to put on the new which is compassion, kindness, humility (lifting others up), gentleness (anger in control), patience (opposite of short-tempered - lengthen your fuse), love (not love for God as He is easy to love, He never does anything wrong to us!)

When we put on love, that binds it all together! God is refining us (taking off) and defining us (putting on)!

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Joy Like Candy

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