Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fight The Flesh - Strengthen The Spirit

The Word of God was delivered in supernatural power this morning! This series on Fighting the Flesh and Strengthening our Spirits is opening the trap that has kept us back and is freeing us to move in the Spirit to accomplish our purpose as Transformers in God's Kingdom.

Question: How Do We Walk in the Spirit? – Rom 8:12-16

We are not obligated to the sinful nature but rather to the Spirit of God, therefore putting to death the sinful nature and living, as sons of God! We have a new identity. We have surrendered our old passport!

Answer: We need to read The Word (John 17:17) and have a relationship with the Spirit.

There is a Life & Death conflict going on inside of us – Galatians 5:17 - The Bible says the acts of the sin nature are obvious! But they are contrary to the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galations. There are actually not 9 fruits but 9 facets of one fruit! The Fruit of the Spirit are actually Qualities of the Spirit.

The Root Determines the Fruit. What is planted and where it is planted determines what will grow. It is the Fruit that determines Christ's Character.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

We continue to hear from God on how we can strengthen our spirit and fight our flesh. The fight is fixed, we know we win, but we have a part to play. There is a battle and we must use the weapons of our warfare that are mighty through God, and we will have the victory!

Exodus 33:13 God will show us his way, just ask Him!

We were taught not to be conformed (or moulded) to the world and its traps, as it is described in
1 John 2:15-16, but rather to be transformed (Romans 12:1-2) just like a caterpillar that goes from the old, through the process (metamorphosis) and into the new, coming out flying high!
When we overcome the flesh and endure temptation, we get a great reward! (James 1:12) It isn't always easy, but it sure is worth it!

Please log your comments on how this week's message has been a blessing to you!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

In our pursuit to be conformed into the image of Christ, the cross is where change begins. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!” (NIV) The cross has the power to change us; however, it is up to us to choose to allow our spirit to be strengthened on a daily basis so that we continue to walk in victory.

Ephesians 4:22-24 calls us to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. But what are righteousness and holiness?

Righteousness is immediate to us at salvation and granted to us as long as we are in relationship with Jesus. If we choose to terminate our relationship with Him, then righteousness is no longer accounted to us. We are righteous only through Jesus and the work that He accomplished on the cross.

Holiness is a progressive work as daily we work on our flesh to become more like Christ. 2 Corinthians 7:1 says “Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (NIV) Holiness is a second-by-second, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour choice we make when we crucify our flesh.

This week our challenge is to allow the Word of God to renew our minds and conform us into the image of Christ. HWC, you have been challenged to daily spend time in the Word – 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch and 10 minutes at the evening. As you take this challenge, you will strengthen your spirit and fight your flesh!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Strengthen The Spirit - Fight The Flesh

We are born into sin, it is our spiritual DNA.

We Can’t be Saved by:

  • Religion
  • Good Works
  • Obeying the Law

The Cross deflects the world, the devil and the flesh!

When we fail, we don't justify and accept it. We repent and we also forgive others and our Heavenly Father forgives us! Mark 11:25

NOW there is NO Condemnation for those who are IN CHRIST - Romans 8:1

Devotional: Read Romans 8:1-11

© Kevin Begley Ministries 2009

Please make your comments below on how God is giving you the victory over your flesh!
(All comments are reviewed before publishing.)

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fight The Flesh, Strengthen The Spirit

There are 3 realms we all face:

  1. The World
  1. The Devil
  1. The Flesh (Sinful Nature)

"If you live by the Spirit, you will control the flesh!" Galatians 5:16

© Kevin Begley Ministries 2009

Please make your comments below on how God is giving you the victory over your flesh!
(All comments are reviewed before publishing.)