Question: How Do We Walk in the Spirit? – Rom 8:12-16
We are not obligated to the sinful nature but rather to the Spirit of God, therefore putting to death the sinful nature and living, as sons of God! We have a new identity. We have surrendered our old passport!
Answer: We need to read The Word (John 17:17) and have a relationship with the Spirit.
There is a Life & Death conflict going on inside of us – Galatians 5:17 - The Bible says the acts of the sin nature are obvious! But they are contrary to the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galations. There are actually not 9 fruits but 9 facets of one fruit! The Fruit of the Spirit are actually Qualities of the Spirit.
The Root Determines the Fruit. What is planted and where it is planted determines what will grow. It is the Fruit that determines Christ's Character.
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